
Jan 05, 2022

Informations sur les succès

Temps pour
obtenir 100%
Nombre de
Difficulté Nombre de
15min. 4 1/10 29
Nombre de trophée bronze 11
Nombre de trophée argent 10
Nombre de trophée or 7
Nombre de trophée platine 1

Dans le jeu d'arcade Snake Boat, aucun trophée ne peut être manqué. Obtenir le trophée platine ne devrait pas être long si vous faites bien attention de ne pas faire une première partie trop longue.

Ligne de conduite

1. Jouer en mode normal avec Petra
Pour votre première partie, jouer avec le serpent Petra (Play As Petra) en mode normal afin de débloquer le mode Hard. Après quelques secondes de jeu, quittez la partie. En ayant joué avec Petra vous débloquerez automatiquement les trophées du DLC gratuit.

2. Jouer au mode normal et mode hard
Maintenant, refaites une partie en normale afin de battre votre record de 2 secondes puis quittez la partie. Lancez une partie en mode Hard pour quelques secondes afin de débloquer le mode Blind as Mango Mode et quittez à nouveau la partie.

3. Jouer au mode Blind as Mango Mode
Votre objectif sera de joueur à ce mode de jeu pour une durée cumulée de 5 minutes. Ainsi, vous pouvez poser votre manette, vous devriez tenir 2 minutes sans problème. Recommencez des parties jusqu'à atteindre un cumulatif de 5 minutes. Vous devriez ainsi obtenir le dernier trophée et le platine.

Platinum Snake Boat
Platinum Snake Boat
Achieve all other trophies! You're a master at rowing a boat for five minutes at a time! (I better see this trophy up on your shelf or cabinet.)
The Mango Strikes Back
The Mango Strikes Back
Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode. (And the mango goes for the eyes...)
A New Mango
A New Mango
Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.
Revenge of the Mango
Revenge of the Mango
Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.
The Mango Wars
The Mango Wars
Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.
The Phantom Mango
The Phantom Mango
Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Blind as a Mango mode.
Bustling Snake
Bustling Snake
Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Hard mode or harder.
I Mean, Cold Blood Seeking Arrows
I Mean, Cold Blood Seeking Arrows
Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Hard mode or harder.
Heat-Seeking Arrows
Heat-Seeking Arrows
Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Hard mode or harder.
Can't Get Harder Right?
Can't Get Harder Right?
Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Hard mode or harder.
Hard Snake Boat
Hard Snake Boat
Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Hard mode or harder.
A Medium Rare Snake
A Medium Rare Snake
Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Normal mode or harder.
These Arrows Defy Physics
These Arrows Defy Physics
Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Normal mode or harder.
Not All Straight Arrows
Not All Straight Arrows
Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Normal mode or harder.
All Straight Arrows
All Straight Arrows
Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Normal mode or harder.
Normal Snack Boat
Normal Snack Boat
Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Normal mode or harder.
Easy Snaking on a Boating
Easy Snaking on a Boating
Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Easy mode or harder.
Free Snake
Free Snake
Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Easy mode or harder.
Arrow Dodger
Arrow Dodger
Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Easy mode or harder.
Runaway Arrows
Runaway Arrows
Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Easy mode or harder.
Easy Snake Boat
Easy Snake Boat
Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Easy mode or harder.
Otterrific High Score
Otterrific High Score
Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 180. (You got the top score on the local score board! Congratulations! Share this accomplishment with your friends! Challenge them to beat your score!)
Experienced Snake Boat Score
Experienced Snake Boat Score
Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 120. (Congrats, you've lasted longer than the attention span of our playtesters!)
The Middle Child Snake Boat Score
The Middle Child Snake Boat Score
Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 90. (Meh. Nothing to see here. The higher and lower scores are more interesting.)
Impressive Snake Boat Score
Impressive Snake Boat Score
Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 60. (Yes, good, good.... Let the snake flow through you...)
Beginner Snake Boat Score
Beginner Snake Boat Score
Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 30. (That's a good score for your presumably first attempt!)
Recursive Snake
Recursive Snake
Beat your own personal high score in any mode.
(It's a snake-eat-snake world... Wait, wrong game?)
Bump to the Top
Bump to the Top
Finish a game on any difficulty as Petra the Snake with a score of at least 60. (It's nice to be at the top of the home page err I mean scoreboard. Even if it's only for a second. I would like to thank the academy... To a certain gamer dragon: no you're famous! And to a certain great dude: how crispy do you like your snakes?)
New Snake Who Dis?
New Snake Who Dis?
Finish a game on any difficulty as Petra the Snake. (She's the red one. Pete's the green one. The two don't have any other visual defining characteristics because when was the last time you were able to tell apart a male snake from a female snake?)
(If you're a herpetologist, scalie or in-general snake enthusiast, don't answer that.)