
Feb 22, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Zone de Danger
Danger Zone
Stay on the "danger zone" for more than 30 seconds
Augmenter de niveau !
Leveling up!
Reach Level 5
Premiers 100 !
First 100!
Make 100 potions
Lutte antiparasitaire
Pest control
Defeat 200 enemies
Beau combo !
Nice combo!
Make a 2 potions chain
Un super scellement d'esprit !
Great spirit sealing!
Make a 5X combo
Collectionneur de coléoptères
Beetle collector
Defeat the first area's boss
Masque Brisé
Broken Mask
Defeat the Oni
Super combo !
Great combo!
Make a 3 potions chain
The exterminator
Defeat 500 enemies
S'échapper du casier de Jone
Escaping Jone's locker
Defeat the first boss
Travailleur acharné
Hard worker
Hard worker
Un scellement d'esprit étonnant !
Amazing spirit sealing!
Make a 9X combo
Une promenade de santé
A walk in the park
Complete the first area without losing health
Bahut du mort
Dead man's chest
Keep all your treasure chests until round 10
Prêtresse Novice
Novice Priestess
Seal 100 spirits
Expert en Chaudron
Cauldron Expert
Make 500 potions
Tireur d’Élite
Hit spirits with projectiles 100 times
Heure de pointe !
Rush hour!
Reach Level 10
Tramblements !
Defeat the second area's boss
L'heure de la démolition !
Demolition time!
Defeat 80 enemies with the rocket launcher
Bombardons !
Bombs away!
Defeat 65 enemies with the grenade launcher
Prendre son envol
Getting off the ground
Prepare 100 recipes
Je peux faire ça toute la journée !
I can do this all day!
Reach Level 15
Lightning rod
Defeat the Tengu
Il fait chaud ici ?
Is it hot in here?
Complete the second area without losing health
Qu'ils brûlent !
Let them burn!
Defeat 150 enemies with the flamethrower
Collectionneur de Poteries
Pottery Collector
Destroy 50 pots
Ohé, chers amis !
Ahoy, me hearties!
Get 3 helper parrots during the same run
Le chant des sirènes
Siren's song
Defeat the second boss
Battez-les !
Beat em up!
Defeat 700 enemies
Grande Prêtresse
High Priestess
Seal 300 spirits
Faire du shopping
Shopping spree
Buy all upgrades at least once
Prêtresse Suprême
Supreme Priestess
Seal 500 spirits
Use all weapons in the game
Defeat 140 enemies using the lightning attack
Tout ce qui brille n'est pas de l'or
All that glitters is not gold
Defeat 40 special shiny enemies
Recover 3 chests during the same run
Monstre marin
Sea monster
Defeat the third boss
Dommages collatéraux
Collateral Damage
Throw 125 objects or enemies into other enemies
Feu et poudre
Fire and gunpowder
Defeat 70 enemies using the portable cannon
Poids mort
Dead weight
Defeat 200 enemies while they're holding a chest
Par-dessus bord
Throw 200 enemies into the water
Pouvez-vous caresser le chat ?
Can you pet the cat?
Pet the 4 different colors of cats
Completez une boucle avec chaque personnage
Complete a loop with every character
Complete a second loop of the game
Travail en équipe
Team work
Complete a loop with every character
Détructeur d'insectes
Bug squasher
Defeat at least one enemy of each kind
Complete a loop without losing any health
Il vient de l'espace
It came from outer space
Defeat the third area's boss
Chef Cuisinier
Master Chef
Prepare 1000 recipes
Maintenir l’activité
Keeping up the business
Prepare 500 recipes
Clients satisfaits
Happy customers
Prepare 300 recipes
Activités à long terme
Long term business
Play 100 times
Combo extraordinaire !
Amazing combo!
Make a 5 potions chain
Expert en Scellement
Sealing Expert
Complete a loop finishing all levels with an S rank
Mains oisives
Idle hands
Defeat the Waira
Defeat the Nukekubi
Equip all projectiles during a game
Un scellement d'esprit parfait !
Perfect spirit sealing!
Make a 15X combo
Naviguer sur les sept mers
Sail the seven seas
Complete a second loop