
Aug 30, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Marc Allard
Marc Allard
Uncover a secret about Marc
Petites idées
Little ideas
Solve 5 match puzzles
Le bateau
The Ship
Complete the Prologue
À la recherche de la vérité
Seeking the truth
Ask 25 questions
Le Chantage
The Gala
Complete Chapter 1
Un vieil ami
An old friend
Solve all of Zakariya's artwork challenges
Un rassemblement étrange
A curious gathering
Find all evidence in the museum
Petites cellules grises
Little grey cells
Make 10 deductions
Arthur Hastings
Arthur Hastings
Uncover a secret about Hastings
Impossible n’est pas Poirot
Impossible is possible
Solve 3 mind maps
La Madeleine manquante
The Missing Magdalene
Complete Chapter 2
Tout est important
Everything matters
Perform 10 analyses
Inspecteur-détective Hardwicke
DI Hardwicke
Uncover a secret about David
Un médiateur d’exception
An expert mediator
Diffuse some arguments
Ordre et méthode
Order and method
Use 10 items
Betty Allen
Betty Allen
Uncover a secret about Betty
The Investigation Begins
Complete Chapter 3
Mme Camilla B. Culsham
Ms. Camilla B. Culsham
Uncover a secret about Camilla
Irène Court-Smyth
Irene Court-Smyth
Uncover a secret about Irene
The Apartment
Complete Chapter 4
Une série d’événements peu commune
An odd series of events
Unravel Culsham's chain of events
Nathaniel Dryden
Nathaniel Dryden
Uncover a secret about Nathaniel
Find a missing cat
Un réveil désagréable
A rude awakening
Annoy a politician
La conspiration
The Scheme
Complete Chapter 5
Zakariya Demir
Zakariya Demir
Uncover a secret about Zakariya
Anastasia Babanin
Anastasia Babanin
Uncover a secret about Anastasia
Meet all characters in the game
La vérité est à l’intérieur
Truth from within
Crack 3 safes
Les suspects
The Suspects
Complete Chapter 6
Evelyn Lakshmi Warbeck
Evelyn Lakshmi Warbeck
Uncover a secret about Evelyn
Horace Mountjoy
Horace Mountjoy
Uncover a secret about Horace
Les secrets
The Secrets
Complete Chapter 7
Un message curieux
A curious phrase
Solve the mystery of the note
Un personnage étrange
A peculiar fellow
Unravel Mortimer's movements
Grand voyageur
Visit all locations in the game
Mortimer Ailsworth
Mortimer Ailsworth
Uncover a secret about Mortimer
Florence Farquhar
Florence Farquhar
Uncover a secret about Florence
La Vérité
The Investigation Starts Anew
Complete Chapter 8
Une sacrée performance
A true performance
Deliver your findings, flawlessly
La Madeleine Pénitente
The Penitent Magdalene
Deliver your findings
Un héritage précieux
A treasured heirloom
Work out what happened to the cigarette case
Le Dénouement
The Denouement
Complete Chapter 9
Johan Kristiansen
Johan Kristiansen
Uncover a secret about Johan
Un voyage périlleux
A perilous journey
Inspect all stations of the cross
Visit a lonely dog