
May 25, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Succès Canin
Canine Success
Achievement for completing and delivering the first dog training order. It's a step that shows you can effectively work with dogs and meet client expectations.
Course Mouillée
Wet Race
You earn this achievement when you drive a car into water. It's an unexpected twist during the exploration of the game world.
Au Galop vers le But
Gallop to the Goal
You receive this achievement when you complete and deliver the first horse training order. It confirms your skills in working with horses and satisfying customers.
Premiers Pas en Selle
First Steps in the Saddle
Achievement for completing the tutorial. It shows that you've mastered the basics of handling and training animals in the game.
Encas de Minuit
Midnight Snack
You receive this achievement when you eat the first snack from the fridge. It's a moment of relaxation and taking care of your character's needs.