
May 20, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Le Prince de Trudograd
Fresh Prince of Trudograd
The city welcomes you!
Forteresse Mobile
Walking Fortress
You maxed-out your special armor.
Couteau Mystérieux
Mysterious Knife
You solved the riddle of the stalker Igor knife.
Viva la Revolución
Viva La Revolution
You became a part-time revolutionary.
Un Vieil Ami
An Old Friend
Your car from the Central Wasteland stands in the outskirts of Trudograd.
Lot 49
Lot 49
You opened a mysterious chest on Kolotushkin Street.
Atomic Soda
Atomic Soda
You bought a glass of every Atom agent favorite drink!
Police Freelance
Freelance Police
You're temping as a freelance police officer.
Une ombre sur Trudograd
Shadow over Trudograd
You performed the ancient ritual and met guests from the depths…
You’ve built your own base.
Suçeur de Sang Albinos
Albino Bloodsucker
You tracked and killed the albino bloodsucker.
Antidote Humain
Human Antidote
You survived the worst poisoning of your whole Atom career.
Le Grand et Puissant
The Great and Powerful
You’ve met Positronium in the flesh.
Fight Club
Fight Club
You became the ruling champion of the factory arena!
Étoile Montante
Rising Star
You won ten games of Bombagun, playing for money.
Sixième Sens
Sixth Sense
You exorcised all the restless spectres that you met on your path.
Mort d'un Auteur
Death of the Author
If the author is writing about you, then who is writing about the author?
Mémoires d'un Grignoteur
Memoirs of a Nibbler
You listened to all the haiku of a four-legged intellectual.
Bunker du KGB
KGB Bunker
You’ve been contacted by the eponymous KGB bunker.
Mangeur d'Enfant
Baby Eater
Yes, you really did eat a child. Or, at least, somebody thinks that you did…
Au revoir ATOM
Goodbye ATOM
After completing your mission you left the ATOM organization.
Seconde Réflexion
Second Thought
You completed the cow mission, but then decided to bring her back.
Congratulations! You sank all the battleships!
Montagne Sacrée
Holy Mountain
You died from a lethal dose of The Truth™.
Pouvoir de la Simplicité
Power of Simplicity
You had faith in your luck and stood by your words..!
You single-handedly signed Trudograd’s death warrant.
Sacrifice d'Oie
Goose Sacrifice
You actively and successfully use your Luck. The goose death wasn’t in vain!
Fou Dangereux
Sick Freak
You performed such a heinous and convoluted act that… you deserve an achievement!
Escalade du Conflit
Escalation of Conflict
You turned a simple arrest into a real street battle.
You showed a surprising lack of competence in completing a rather easy task in the city docks.
You learned something that you shouldn't have...
You got Big Jug at your disposal.