
Apr 10, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Et les voilà partis !
And They're Off
Pensée unique
One-Track Mind
Create a character who has options chosen from only one Moral Compass quadrant
On va y arriver
Getting There
Sticky Beak
Find 50 Points of Interest throughout Broken Roads
Extraction mortelle
Fatal Extraction
L'arme au poing
Gun and Done
Complete the Hired Gun origin story
OK, on va *vraiment* y arriver
OK, *Really* Getting There
J'ai bourlingué partout
I've Been Everywhere
Complete the Surveyor origin story
Relation à distance
Long Distance Relationship
Kill an enemy with an SR98 at maximum range.
L'ère des miracles
An Age of Miracles
Yakka trimer
Hard Yakka
Complete the Jackaroo origin story
De ce côté vers l'ennemi
This Side Toward Enemy
Champion du quiz du pub
Pub Quiz Champ
Paiement intégral
Paid In Full
Complete the Barter Crew origin story
Honte sur moi
Shame On Me
Get bitten by Bitey *twice*
La conquête du bonheur
The Conquest of Happiness
Complete the game with your world view centred in Humanist
Juste lâche
Just A Coward
Retreat from combat once.
Un pour tous, tous pour un
All Together Now
Les intérêts de tous, considérés sur un pied d'égalité
The Interests Of All, Regarded Equally
Complete the game with your world view centred in Utilitarian
Même si personne ne regarde
Even Though No One Is Watching
Complete the game as a pure Humanist, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)
Le Prince
The Prince
Complete the game as a pure Machiavellian, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)
La folie a du bon
Some Reason In Madness
Complete the game with your world view centred in Nihilist
Celui qui inspire la peur
One Who Inspires Fear
Complete the game with your world view centred in Machiavellian
Ouais et donc ?
Yeah, So What?
Complete the game as a pure Nihilist, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)
Le plus grand bien commun
The Greatest Good
Complete the game as a pure Utilitarian, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)
Tempête dans un verre d'eau
Tempest in a Teapot
Arracheur de dents
Who Needs Pants?
Pacifiste (ou juste lâche ?)
Pacifist (Or Just A Coward?)
Complete the game without killing anyone
Décisions au doigt mouillé
Any Way the Wind Blows
Tell people what they want to hear, at the expense of a solid moral standpoint
Philosophe de comptoir
Barstool Philosopher