
Jul 17, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Premier contact
First contact
Play a song that was created by a player.
Héros de la communauté
Community hero
Play songs that were created by other players for ten minutes.
Flûtiste en herbe
Aspiring recorder player
Play the recorder for three minutes.
Violoniste en herbe
Aspiring violinist
Play the violin for three minutes.
Tromboniste en herbe
Aspiring tromboner
Play the trombone for three minutes.
Play for five minutes with one other player.
Violoncelliste en herbe
Aspiring cellist
Play the cello for three minutes.
Play for five minutes with two other players.
Play for five minutes with three other players.
Flûtiste intermédiaire
Intermediate recorder player
Play the recorder for 15 minutes.
Tromboniste intermédiaire
Intermediate tromboner
Play the trombone for 15 minutes.
Violoniste intermédiaire
Intermediate violinist
Play the violin for 15 minutes.
Violoncelliste intermédiaire
Intermediate cellist
Play the cello for 15 minutes.
Maître des catastrophes
Master of disaster
Play for more than two hours.
Cliqueur nerveux
Nervous clicker
Click on a flying note 100 times.
Tromboniste confirmé
Master tromboner
Play the trombone for 60 minutes.
Flûtiste confirmé
Master recorder player
Play the recorder for 60 minutes.
Violoniste confirmé
Master violinist
Play the violin for 60 minutes.
Violoncelliste confirmé
Master cellist
Play the cello for 60 minutes