
Jan 26, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
De retour en action
Back in Action
Poisson hors de l'eau
Fish Out of Water
Dragon errant
Wandering Dragon
Reached level 10 with Kasuga.
Toucher des vies
Touching Lives
Completed 10 substories.
Le temps passe
Time Marches On
Pas un déchet absolu
Not a Total Waste
L'esprit d'Aloha
Spirit of Aloha
Befriended 50 people through Aloha Links.
Fauché de fauché
Down and Out
Sauver des vies
Saving Lives
Completed 20 substories.
30 min ou remboursé
30 Mins or It's Free
Completed all Crazy Delivery courses.
Don't Hate the Player
Met up with 5 people from Miss Match.
Activité secondaire
Side Hustle
Raised a job to rank 30.
Sujimon Snag 'Em
Recruited 10 Sujimon from battle.
Dragon déterminé
Resolute Dragon
Reached level 30 with Kasuga.
Fou du travail
Mad Hustle
Raised 3 jobs to rank 30.
Caché à la vue de tous
Hiding in Plain Sight
Dragon alpha
Apex Dragon
Reached level 50 with Kasuga.
Dragon légendaire
Legendary Dragon
Reached level 70 with Kasuga.
Investir dans l'avenir
Investing in the Future
Completed all of Julie's investments.
Alors, on commence à s'amuser ?
Having Fun Yet?
Played 10 different minigames.
Permis d'étudier
License to Skill
Obtained 10 certificates from the Ounabara Vocational School.
Fan absolu d'Alohappy
Alo-Happy as Can Be
Experienced 8 activities offered by Alo-Happy Tours.
Chemins séparés
Separate Ways
Raised one of Kasuga's personality stats to max.
Registered 100 Sujimon to the Sujidex.
Quelque chose à partir de rien
Something from Nothing
Made 10 pieces of gear at Julie's Gearworks.
Accro au travail
Ultimate Hustle
Raised 7 jobs to rank 30.
Mensonges en cascade
Layered Lies
Raised all of Kasuga's personality stats to max.
Trouvé et perdu
Found and Lost
Guerrier professionnel
Prize Fighter
Maxed out a Sujimon's level and friendship.
Lâcher prise
Letting Go
En voie de disparition
Dying Breed
Au-delà de l'arc-en-ciel
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Hospitalité insulaire
Island Hospitality
Welcomed 100 guests to Dondoko Island.
Dondoko à gogo !
Dondoko A-Go-Go!
Ran a TV ad on Dondoko Island.
La gloire à l'état pur
Basking in Glory
Transformed Dondoko Island into a 4-star resort.
Dénouement de Dondoko
Dondoko Denouement
Completed the Dondoko Island story.
À la vie, à la mort
Unboxed Brotherhood
Celebrated your victory over sector four of the Big Swell.
La crème de la crème !
We're Probably the Best!
Completed New Game+ on Hard difficulty.
Amitié et gros pactole
Building Bonds and Making Gains
Celebrated your victory over sector one of the Big Swell.
Le top du top !
We're Definitely the Best!
Completed New Game+ on Legend difficulty.
Travail d'équipe rapproché
Titillating Teamwork
Celebrated your victory over sector two of the Big Swell.
Vacances éternelles
Endless Vacation
Completed New Game+.
Le retour du héros
The Hero Returns
Took up the Hero's mantle in New Game+.
Finis les déglingos
Sicko Stopper
Completed all Sicko Snap courses.
Chasseur de photos
Photo Hunter
Took 30 different photos for the Photo Rally.
La famille, c'est précieux
Kei is for Kinship
Celebrated your victory over sector three of the Big Swell.
Infinite Wealth
Infinite Wealth
Obtained all achievements.
Meilleur artisan
Crafted 100 different pieces of DIY furniture.
Tout ira bien
Rest Assured
Tenir le cap
Holding the Line
Renverser la vapeur
Turning the Tides
L'homme qui a regagné son nom
The Man Who Regained His Name
Profiter à fond de la vie
Living Your Best Life
Completed 40 substories.
Tout est réglé
Squared Away
Viewed all of Nanba's Drink Links.
Sans regret
No Regrets
Mots manquants
Missing Words
S'affranchir des contraintes
Breaking Free
Un nouveau départ
Starting Fresh
Inspirer le respect
Commanding Respect
Champion de la Ligue Suji
Suji League Champion
Completed all Sujimon-related substories.
Regain de détermination
Renewed Purpose
Completed all Life Links.
Souvenirs précieux
Precious Memories
Gathered 30 Memoirs of a Dragon.
Souvenirs à profusion
Abundant Memories
Gathered 70 Memoirs of a Dragon.
Funk un jour, funk toujours
Funk Goes On
Pushed Kiryu's Soul, Tech, or Body to the max.
Acolytes à la rescousse
Pound for Pound
Dialed up Poundmates 30 times.
Maître Sujimon
Sujimon Sensei
Registered 200 Sujimon to the Sujidex.
Arpenteur de donjon
Dungeon Sweeper
Conquered the Yokohama Underground.
Criminels, prenez garde
Ruffians Beware
Conquered the Hawaiian Haunt.
Casser la baraque
Break It Up!
Won 20 raids.
On a réussi ?
We Did It?
Celebrated your victory over the fifth and final sector of the Big Swell.