
Jun 20, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Premier café vendu
First Coffee Sold
Good start!
10 Cafés vendus
10 Coffees Sold
This businees is getting serious!
Mission accomplie Le Cap (Campagne)
Cape Town Mission Completed (Campaign)
Coffee truck master! That's you!
Première recette créée
First Recipe Created
A good recipe to start with.
25 Points de style (Campagne)
25 Style Points (Campaign)
Oh, it looks much better!
25 Points de notation (Campagne)
25 Rating Points (Campaign)
You're getting popular!
100 Cafés vendus
100 Coffees Sold
So much caffeine!
Mission accomplie New York (Campagne)
New York Mission Completed (Campaign)
The city that never sleeps - because people drink your coffee!
Premier snack vendu
First Snack Sold
Someone here seems to have gone hungry.
10 jours de jeu au total
Played 10 Days In Total
We're getting to know each other!
Premier Latte Art personnalisé créé
First Custom Latte Art Created
Oh, you have discovered drawing latte art!
10 Snacks vendus
10 Snacks Sold
Someone here probably wanted to take a snack on the road as well.
Avoir $2000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $2000 In Cash (Campaign)
That's how it's done!
Première remise accordée
First Discount Given
Someone here was happy with the discount.
10 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 10 Days In A Row
You made it! Your business survived the first 10 days!
250 Cafés vendus
250 Coffees Sold
They really like your coffee, don't they?
Mission accomplie Sao Paulo (Campagne)
Sao Paulo Mission Completed (Campaign)
The savior of busy people at the subway station is you!
100 Snacks vendus
100 Snacks Sold
Good thing no one is counting calories here...
10 Recettes créées
10 Recipes Created
You're getting a head start on these recipes.
Premier objet étudié
First Item Researched
10 Items Researched
100 Points de notation (Campagne)
100 Rating Points (Campaign)
So popular! Can I take a photo with you?
Premier pourboire reçu
First Tip Received
Finally someone appreciated you!
500 Cafés vendus
500 Coffee Sold
Because there's no such thing like too much coffee!
Mission accomplie Paris (Campagne)
Paris Mission Completed (Campaign)
The city of coffee and croissants conquered!
10 Objets étudiés
10 Items Researched
So much research! Customers will appreciate it!
10 Pourboires reçus
10 Tips Received
You really take good care of your customers.
Premier défi relevé
First Challenge Completed
Challenge accepted! And completed!
250 Snacks vendus
250 Snacks Sold
Who ate all my snacks?!
50 jours de jeu au total
Played 50 Days In Total
Seems like you're a regular customer!
1000 Cafés vendus
1000 Coffees Sold
Did you drink it by yourself?!
250 Points de notation (Campagne)
250 Rating Points (Campaign)
There's no better coffee shop in the neighbourhood!
Mission accomplie Sibérie (Campagne)
Siberia Mission Completed (Campaign)
Warmed hearts in faraway Siberia - thanks to your coffee!
10 Remises accordées
10 Discounts Given
You know how to satisfy your customers!
100 Points de style (Campagne)
100 Style Points (Campaign)
You know how to decorate that place!
100 Pourboires reçus
100 Tips Received
Do these customers have too much money?
500 Snacks vendus
500 Snacks Sold
After eating so many snacks, I think it will be necessary to go to the dentist...
25 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 25 Days In A Row
Looks like you're on a roll!
5 fèves d'or obtenues (Campagne)
5 Golden Beans Achieved (Campaign)
Congratulations! We don't have any more levels!
Mission accomplie Londres (Campagne)
London Mission Completed (Campaign)
London isn't all about tea, right?
100 Objets étudiés
100 Items Researched
You are starting to become a real explorer!
500 Points de notation (Campagne)
500 Rating Points (Campaign)
That's insane! Your coffee shop is number one in the city!
250 Pourboires reçus
250 Tips Received
Do you earn more from coffee or from tips?
Mission accomplie Mexico City (Campagne)
Mexico City Mission Completed (Campaign)
A friend of the Mona Lisa and Venus De Milo!
Avoir $5000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $5000 In Cash (Campaign)
You should think about some serious investements!
10 Défis relevés
10 Challenges Completed
You're starting to like these challenges, aren't you?
100 jours de jeu au total
Played 100 Days In Total
Looks like you really like this game!
1000 Snacks vendus
1000 Snacks Sold
Is it healthy to eat so many snacks?
250 Points de style (Campagne)
250 Style Points (Campaign)
Interior decorators can learn from you!
Mission accomplie Sydney (Campagne)
Sydney Mission Completed (Campaign)
You made the world a better place!
Mission accomplie Los Angeles (Campagne)
Los Angeles Mission Completed (Campaign)
Hot summer heat and cold coffee - Los Angeles loves you!
1000 Points de notation (Campagne)
1000 Rating Points (Campaign)
That can't be true!
500 Pourboires reçus
500 Tips Received
Good coffee gives you a big tip, simple.
250 Objets étudiés
250 Items Researched
Is there anything left to research there?
Avoir $10000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $10000 In Cash (Campaign)
You're getting rich!
Mission accomplie Tokyo (Campagne)
Tokyo Mission Completed (Campaign)
Thanks to you, more memes with cats will be created. Programmers in Tokyo are grateful to you.
50 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 50 Days In A Row
You really like that game, don't you?
Avoir $25000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $25000 In Cash (Campaign)
Can you lend me some money?
5000 Cafés vendus
5000 Coffees Sold
You are the Espresso Tycoon!
1000 Pourboires reçus
1000 Tips Received
Tips will make you a millionaire!
500 Points de style (Campagne)
500 Style Points (Campaign)
Style, glamour - that's you!
Avoir $50000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $50000 In Cash (Campaign)
So much money? How did you do that?
100 Remises accordées
100 Discounts Given
So many discounts!
Avoir $100000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $100000 In Cash (Campaign)
You can't keep such a fortune in a sock!
500 Objets étudiés
500 Items Researched
I guess you've always wanted to do research, huh?
250 jours de jeu au total
Played 250 Days In Total
How many cups of coffee have you had already?
Rachel Bean formée à la perfection (Campagne)
Rachel Bean Trained To Perfection (Campaign)
How great you take care of your employees!
Avoir $250000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $250000 In Cash (Campaign)
It is possible to earn so much from running a coffee shop! Maybe it's a good business after all...
Menu avec des cafés parfaits pour les 8 groupes sociaux
Menu With Perfect Coffees For All 8 Social Groups
There isn't a person who can't find coffee for themselves in your coffee shop!
100 Recettes créées
100 Recipes Created
You're already creating really good combinations of ingredients!
Avoir $500000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $500000 In Cash (Campaign)
If I had that much money, I think I would open a... my own coffee shop!
10 Latte Arts personnalisés créés
10 Custom Latte Arts Created
I think you are beginning to know what this is all about.
250 Remises accordées
250 Discounts Given
I guess it's already some kind of loyalty program with discounts for customers.
10000 Cafés vendus
10000 Coffees Sold
Is there that much coffee in the whole world?!
100 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 100 Days In A Row
You're the Espresso Tycoon Master!
1000 Points de notation (Campagne)
1000 Style Points (Campaign)
Could this place BE more stylish?
Bac à sable créé dans toutes les villes
Sandbox In All Cities Created
You are the king of the whole world! Or at least those sandboxes.
5000 Snacks vendus
5000 Snacks Sold
Your customers really like these snacks...
100 Défis relevés
100 Challenges Completed
These challenges are probably already some kind of sport for you.
10 chaises, tables et armoires différentes dans le café
10 Different Chairs, Tables And Cabinets In The Coffee Shop
Clearly you are committed to diversity!
1000 Objets étudiés
1000 Items Researched
We probably need to lock up more items. But you'll probably unlock them anyway!
Tous les animaux de Sydney trouvés
All Animals In Sydney Found
Somebody here likes sea creatures!
500 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 500 Days In Total
A year and a half of doing business - that's quite an experience!
500 Remises accordées
500 Discounts Given
Remember to make money too, not just give discounts?
Avoir $1000000 en espèces (Campagne)
Have $1000000 In Cash (Campaign)
I don't even try to count how many zeros there are.
1000 Défis relevés
1000 Challenges Completed
There is no challenge for you that you will not complete!
500 Défis relevés
500 Challenges Completed
Even more challenges?
250 Défis relevés
250 Challenges Completed
I guess you want to become a real challenge master! Good luck!
1000 Remises accordées
1000 Discounts Given
For so many discounts your customers must love you!
1000 Recettes créées
1000 Recipes Created
You are a true master of creativity!
500 Recettes créées
500 Recipes Created
Your customers really have a lot to choose from!
250 Recettes créées
250 Recipes Created
Can you fit that many recipes on the menu?
10000 Snacks vendus
10000 Snacks Sold
So many snacks! But do you remember that you also sell coffee here?
1000 jours de jeu consécutifs
Played 1000 Days In Total
That's called commitment! Remember to make yourself a coffee too!
100 Latte Arts personnalisés créés
100 Custom Latte Arts Created
Wait a moment, the Mona Lisa on Latte Art? Did you draw that?