How to fish

In this guide, we'll explain the mechanics of how to fish and how to buy a fishing rod. Read to the end of the guide to become a fishing pro on Fae Farm.
Fishing is a great way to make money (florin is the common currency in Fae Farm) at the start of the game.
How to get a fishing rod
Before you can begin, you'll need a fishing rod. To do this, you'll need to talk to Eddy, Azoria's enthusiastic fisherman, so that he can give you a fishing rod. During your introductory chapters, the mayor will send you to talk to Eddy, who is in the south-west of the map.
Quest: Gone Fishin'
This discussion will trigger the main quest: Fishing trip. To complete this quest, simply catch any fish and bring it back to Eddy.
How to fish
Unlike other games of the same type, the mechanics of fishing in Fae Farm are fairly straightforward. Simply select the fishing rod from your tool ring and cast your catch into the water near a fish. You can see the shadow of the fish in the water.
When you cast your hook, you'll see a growing blue arrow stretching across the water. This is your casting distance when you release the button to cast the line. Click the left mouse button or the appropriate button on the joystick to move the hook and attract the fish.
Once the fish bites your hook, you must now press the appropriate key to bring the fish back to you. But be careful! Be careful to let go of the switch if the line on your rod turns red, because if you keep pulling, the fish will run away. Once the red line disappears (and the fish seems calm) keep pressing the button to bring the fish back to you. Repeat the steps so as not to lose the fish. It may take several seconds of back-and-forth with the fish. It's all a question of patience!
Where is the caught fish?
Once you've brought the fish to your character, he or she will take it out of the water. It goes straight into your inventory, and you'll also receive a notification that you have a new entry in the Almanac if it's a fish you're catching for the first time.
Where to fish in Azoria?
- On the southern seashore (salt water)
- In rivers (freshwater)
- In ponds (freshwater)
- In the Fairy Kingdom
- In the deep sea
* It's important to note that the Fairy Kingdom and the Mountains are locked at the start of the game, so you'll have to progress through the story to access them. In addition, the shells become accessible once the water whirlpools have disappeared, and the deep sea will be accessible near the saltwater mines when you receive your fairy wings.
You can upgrade your fishing rod to make catching fish easier. Like all other tools, they can be upgraded as you progress in the Fishing skill.
You can also eat meals that improve your fishing performance.