
Jun 08, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Premier sang
First Blood
Win your first battle
Jack of All Trades
Have one of your regions with at least one building of each category (six)
En haut de l'échelle
Top of the Ladder
Win your first city assault (or capture a walled city through another means).
Héros locaux
Local Heroes
Recruit through any means (including a regional decision) a provincial unit
Tel père, tel fils
A Chip Off the Old Block
Get a new male heir
Name a character with administration 5 as governor (Peer of the Realm)
Le premier de beaucoup, espérons-le
The First of Many, Hopefully
Build your first Tier II or higher structure
L'argent c’est important
Money is Not Nothing
Build your first Trader Borough
Ne pouvons-nous pas tous nous entendre ?
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Sign your first peace treaty
La guerre. La guerre ne change jamais
War. War Never Changes
Be involved in at least 6 simultaneous wars
Le brouillard ET la guerre
The Fog of War
Play your first Field of Glory: Medieval through the liaison module
Le suzerain et le sous-fifre
The Liege and the Leash
Have a vassal
Vers le prochain royaume !
Onto the Next Realm!
Acquire 5 progress tokens
Démentes Dépenses
Stupendous Spending
Have 5000 accumulated gold while spending at least 250 gold in Court Expenses
Sont-ce des chevaliers que je vois sur la plaine ?
Are These Knights I See on the Plain?
Own at least 25 Standing Army Units
La résurrection de Byzance
Byzantium Rises
As Byzantium (or a nation impersonating it), complete enough missions to achieve “Resurgence of the Empire” status
Rêves brisés
Shattered Dreams
Have your nation falls in the breaking-up status
Robin des bois
Robbin’ in the Wood
Own a Noble Poacher
Voleur d'identité
Identity Thief
As a Tier III nation, transform your nation into another (e.g., as Wessex becomes the English Monarchy).
Marchand de Venise
Merchant of Venice
As any Italian Maritime Republic, own at least twelve commercial enclaves (or Fondachi)
Un bon début
The Story Begins
Win your first scenario
Père impie
Unholy Father
As the Holy Roman Empire, acquire the ‘Anti-pope’ modifier
Régime autoritaire
Authoritarian Regime
Reach Authority 90 with any nation
X-COM, le nouveau jeu
X-COM, the new game
Be excommunicated by the Church
Deus Vult
Deus Vult
Be the initiator of a Holy War (Crusade or Jihad)
Pierre par pierre
One Stone at a Time
Build your first Concentric Castle
Baisers de Rus’(sie)
From Russia with Love
As any Rus’ principality, own at least 3 Kremlins buildings
Convertir ou mourir en essayant
Convert or Die Trying
Have one of your Cathedrals or Large Mosques activate their Conversion Bonus
Arrêt de la pègre
Subway Stopping
Manage to remove from one of your regions a Thieves Underground network
Il était une fois
Once Upon a Time
Have one of your storytellers recount the demise of a powerful foe
Ode à l'audace de l'ancienne alliance
Ode to the Bold Auld
Form the Auld Alliance between France and Scotland
Seldjouk et vous trouverez
Seljuk and Ye Shall Find
As the Seljuks' Turks, declare war at least 3 times to the (evil obviously) Byzantines
Fusion à froid
Cold Fusion
Create what would pass as the Philosopher's Stone
La danse du joueur de flûte
Pied Piper Dance
Have one of your Master Ratcatchers remove some rats.
J'ai résisté à l'épreuve du temps
I Stood the Test of Time
Win the grand campaign
Pas vraiment Maure-ibond !
Good Moor-ning!
As any Taifa, reform the Al-Andalus Caliphate
La vie de Bryansk
The Life of Bryansk
As the region owner of Kyiv, control Bryansk
Plus, plus !, plus !!
Bigger, Better, Stronger
As the Fatimids, unlock the third stage of power of Cairo
Un palais pour l'émir
A Palace for the Emir
Build an Alcazar in Spain
La troisième fois est la bonne
Thrice is the Charm
As England, trigger the Magna Carta mini-event at least three times