
Dec 02, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Avion coûteux
Expensive Plane
Buy a Level 6 plane
Hub de transport
Transport Hub
Create more than 20 routes from one city.
Dix !
Unlock 10 territories in Discover the World mode
Partie commencée
Game Started
Complete the first Regular Scenario
Commandes de base
Basic Controls
Finish Tutorial
Évité de justesse !
That Was Close!
Save an airport from being overloaded in the last second of the timer
Transporteur fiable
Reliable Transporter
Transport more than 100,000 passengers
Grand aéroport
Large Airport
Upgrade an airport to maximum level
Longues distances
Long Distances
Create a route over 7,000 km long
Créneau réservé à la gestion
Time for Management
Complete more than 10 actions when on an active pause
Économie de ressources
Resource Economy
Complete any scenario with a maximum of 1 plane per route
Vol à petit budget
Budget Flight
Complete any scenario without upgrading planes
Nouveau record
New Record
Improve your Leaderboard score in a previously completed scenario
Amélioration maximum
Maximum Upgrade
Get the maximum number of planes per route and fully upgrade them all
Launch the second plane so it ends up at the opposite point of the first plane
Pas moyen de faire machine arrière
No Way Back
Complete any scenario without saving
Unlock 50 territories in Discover the World mode
Remove more than 7 routes in one game session.
Transporteur légendaire
Legendary transporter
Transport more than 1 000 000 passengers
Ça n'était pas au programme...
This Wasn't Part of the Plan...
Unlock a territory that wasn't supposed to be next in Discover the World mode
La modernisation ne rentre pas dans l'agenda
No Time for Modernization
Complete any scenario without upgrading airports
Manque de temps
Lack of Time
Successfully complete a scenario with less than 10 seconds left before the end
Get less than -5,000 credits on your balance
One Hundred
Unlock 100 territories in Discover the World mode
Une sacrée chance
Great Luck
Get 3 supersonic jets in one game
Réseau linéraire
Linear Network
Complete any official scenario (except for Daily Scenarios) using no more than two routes per city
Course contre la montre
Race Against Time
Unlock territories earlier than expected in Discover the World mode and get more than 40 minutes to unlock the next one
Première étape
First Step
Complete one level in Ladder Mode
Collect all postage stamps in Europe
Get more than 1 million credits on your balance in Discover the World mode
Incroyable !
Unlock all territories in Discover the World mode
Gestionnaire expérimenté
Experienced Manager
Complete all the Regular Scenarios
Amérique du Nord
North America
Collect all postage stamps in North America
Le bout du monde
Edge of the World
Unlock the Antarctic in Discover the World mode
Collect all postage stamps in Africa
Dix étapes
Ten Steps
Complete ten levels in Ladder Mode
Pause active
Active Pause
Successfully complete a scenario while the game is on active pause
Collect all postage stamps in Asia
Create your own Custom Scenario in Scenario Editor
Réaction rapide
Fast Response
Complete all the Quick Scenarios
Maître de la gestion
Management Master
Complete all the Extreme Scenarios
Amérique du Sud
South America
Collect all postage stamps in South America
Australie et Océanie
Australia and Oceania
Collect all postage stamps in Australia and Oceania
Amateur de Scénario
Scenario Amateur
Complete 5 scenarios from the Custom Scenarios list made by other players
Rate a scenario created by another player and published in the Custom Scenarios list
Expert en Scénarios
Scenario Expert
Complete 10 scenarios from the Custom Scenarios list made by other players
Aller simple
Own Way
Unlock all territories in Free Play mode
De grands pays
Large Territories
Unlock Canada, Russia, and China among the 30 first territories in Discover the World mode
Personnalité publique
Public Figure
Publish your Custom Scenario to make it available to other players
Accomplissement total
Full Completion
Complete 100% of the game. You can see your progress in the Menu