
Jun 28, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Successfully complete Adventure mode and win at least 5,000 Boyards
Victoire épique
Epic Victory
Win more than 15,000 Boyards in the treasure room
Aventurier intemporel
Time Traveler
Successfully complete an adventure with the Ghosts of the Past perk
Pas besoin d'aide !
No help needed!
Successfully complete an adventure with the Solo Adventurer perk
Choix cornéliens
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Successfully complete an adventure with the Dilemma perk
Grand aventurier
Great Adventurer
Successfully complete Adventure mode without failing a single challenge
Snow White
Successfully complete an adventure with the Poisoned Gifts perk
Comme le temps passe !
How time flies!
Successfully complete an adventure with the Time Master perk
Plus fort que la malchance
Stronger than bad luck
Successfully complete 5 challenges with a Wheel of Fortune disadvantage
Pas de gaspillage !
Not a drop wasted!
Do not spill any liquid while tilting the seats in the Garage
Il ne faut rien lâcher !
Don’t let go!
Make your opponent fall without going near the edge in hard mode in Tug of War
Grand Champion
Grand Champion
Successfully complete all mini-games in hard mode
Pro des omelettes
Omelet pro
Break 25 eggs in Topsy-turvy
Héros du Fort
Hero of the Fort
Successfully complete Adventure mode in heroic and win at least 5,000 Boyards