
Jan 12, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Un petit pas
One Small Step
Won a battle.
Passionné d'ingénierie
Engineering Enthusiast
Successfully made an upgrade.
Jamais seul
Link Attacker
Used a link attack.
Nuit sans fin
Night Without End
Cleared Chapter 1.
Passionné de pêche
Fishing Enthusiast
Succeeded at scrap fishing.
Passionné de cuisine
Cooking Enthusiast
Succeeded at cooking.
Raised affinity to level 3 with an ally.
Passionné de jardinage
Gardening Enthusiast
Harvested the farm.
La pluie au matin
The Morning Rain
Cleared Chapter 2.
Passionné d'expédition
Explorer Enthusiast
Went exploring.
Amélioration constante
Steady Enhancement
Expanded a facility.
Delayed the enemy 100 times.
Badge de héros
Badge of the Hero
Won an elite battle.
Dormir fait grandir
Sleep Well, Grow Up Healthy
Relieved status ailments by sleeping in the dormitory.
Passionné de lessive
Laundry Enthusiast
Succeeded at the laundry.
Deux arabesques
Two Arabesques
Cleared Chapter 3.
Réconfortant de nature
Soothing Nature
Revitalized a depressed ally.
Sérénade à la poupée
Serenade for the Doll
Cleared Chapter 4.
Soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon
Evenings Lit by the Burning Coals
Cleared Chapter 5.
Vrais liens
True Bonds
Raised affinity to level 10 with an ally.
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
Cleared Chapter 6.
Reached level 25 with a character.
Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Moon Descends Upon the Temple that Once Was
Cleared Chapter 7.
Explorateur expérimenté
Explorer Expert
Attained S rank in exploration 10 times.
Le vent dans la plaine
The Wind in the Plain
Cleared Chapter 8.
Héros légendaire
Legendary Hero
Won 10 elite battles.
Passionné d'agriculture
Farming Enthusiast
Harvested 200 items from the farm.
Le laurier blessé
The Wounded Laurel
Cleared Chapter 9.
Le concile des faux dieux
The Council of the False Gods
Cleared Chapter 10.
Collectionneur de BD
Comic Collector
Obtained all comic pages.
Petit vétéran
Little Veteran
Attained S rank in battle 50 times.
Ariettes oubliées
Forgotten Songs
Cleared Chapter 11.
De l'aube à midi sur la mer
From Dawn to Noon on the Sea
Cleared Chapter 12.
Un vrai ami
A Real Friend
Harmonie parfaite
Perfect Harmony
Expert du renseignement
Completion of Intelligence
Obtained information on 30 locations from the observation room.
Installation parfaite
Perfect Facility
Expanded all facilities to the max level.
Effort ciblé
Honest Effort
Reached level 50 with a character.
Artisan talentueux
Skilled Craftsman
Fully upgraded something.
Pêcheur expérimenté
Expert Angler
Scrap fished 50 times.
Destinée partagée
Shared Destiny
Raised affinity to level 10 with 30 pairs.
Équipe expérimentée
Expert Team
Reached level 50 with all characters.
Joueur accompli
Perfect Player
Unlocked all achievements.