
Sep 12, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Pop 100 Balloons
Mode arcade
Arcade Mode
Unlock Arcade Mode
C'est parti !
Up We Go!
Unlock Goobstar Heights
Pop 500 Balloons
Il faut les porter tous !
Gotta Wear 'Em All!
Pop 1,000 Balloons
A Whale New World
A Whale New World
Unlock Silhouette Seaside
Couronne la reine
Crown the Queen
Zip Zap Ow
Zip Zap Ow
Unlock Dead Zone Factory
Flush It
Glou glou glou
Blub Blub Blub
Unlock Underwater Graveyard
Dans les entrailles...
Down We Go...
Unlock Factory Depths
Bip, bip, mort
Beep Boop Dead
Everyone is Here!
Everyone is Here!
Score over 100000 in Edge of Entropy
I Found you, Faker!
I Found you, Faker!
Où ils vont la nuit
Where they go at Night
Unlock Edge of Entropy
Pop 5,000 Balloons
On nous observe
We're Being Watched
Discover Die.OS in Dead Zone Factory
Brillant brillant
Shiny Shiny
Discover the Silver Statue in Goobstar
Toujours plus haut !
Nowhere to go but up!
Score over 100000 in Goobstar Heights
Cervelle de moineau
Bird Brain
Épisode de la plage
Beach Episode
Score over 100000 in Silhouette Seaside
Maniaque du chaos
Mayhem Maniac
Soleil couchant
Setting Sun
Goob maladroit
Goofy Goob
Score over 100000 in Goobstar
Down Where it's Wetter
Down Where it's Wetter
Score over 100000 in Underwater Graveyard
Merci d'avoir joué à notre jeu !
Thanks for Playing our Game!
Complete Goob Odyssey
Pop 10,000 Balloons
WOW, j'ai la tête qui tourne !
WOW, my head is spinning!
Score over 100000 in Factory Depths
Toujours mieux que Goobazon
Still better than Goobazon
Score over 100000 in Dead Zone Factory
Goob Goobucci
Goobucci Goob
Gold Rank Goob Odyssey
Goobstar GlobeTrotter
Goobstar GlobeTrotter
Silver Rank Goob Odyssey
Une aventure de Boog
A Boog Adventure
Champion goob
Goob Champion
Beat Boss Rush
Gardien ancien
Ancient Guardian
Discover the dragon in Silhouette Seaside
À la chasse
On The Hunt
Discover the Maw in Underwater Graveyard
Est-ce que ce sont... mes pièces ?!
Are Those...My Parts?!
Is That Pajarita?!
Is That Pajarita?!
Les oreilles grandes ouvertes
I'm All Ears
Un sourire sinistre
A Sinister Smile
Discover Smiling Friend in Factory Depths
Statue de la Gooberty
Statue of Gooberty
Discover the Statue of Gooberty in Goobstar
Discover the Queen Balloon in Goobstar Heights
Concours de regards
Staring Contest
Discover the Deadpan Starer in Factory Depths