
Sep 28, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Fermier novice
Novice Farmer
Harvest your first crop you grow yourself.
Est-ce que j'ai planté ça ?
Did I Plant This?
Harvest a mutated crop.
Les premiers pas d'un éleveur
A Breeder's First Steps
Get your first animal.
Le ventre plein de Ver
Ver's Full Tummy
Complete the Lenctenbury village story.
Tu es riche !
You're Rich!
Make 1,000,000 G.
Maître des catastrophes naturelles
Natural Disaster Master
Use fences to protect your crops from bad weather.
Aestas enchantée
Enraptured Aestas
Complete the Lilikala village story.
Paix d'Anthos
Peace of Anthos
Return peace to Anthos.
Médaillé de bronze
Bronze Medallist
Win any contest.
Piments forts
Hot Hiems
Complete the Zimagrad village story.
Prospecteur légendaire
Legendary Prospector
Collect all gems and ore.
Autumnus dansant
Dancing Autumnus
Complete the Herbstburg village story.
La hauteur du bonheur
The Height of Happiness
Have a wedding.
Fruit de notre amour
Fruit of Our Love
Have a child.
Souvenirs inestimables
Priceless Memories
Travel the world with your family.
Tous les animaux sont mes amis
Friend to All Animals
Keep all additional animals except the Sasquatch.
Travailleur assidu
Diligent Worker
Have any village reach the max Cultural Level.
Festival Fanatic
Festival Fanatic
Participate in a festival.
Maître fermier
Farming Master
Master any Crop Ability.
Des jours palpitants
Thrilling Days
Participate in any festival on a date.
Quel gros coup !
What a Big One!
Harvest a giant crop.
Une découverte incroyable !
An Amazing Discovery!
Keep all varieties of the mysterious Sasquatch.
Médaillé d'or
Gold Medalist
Win all Advanced Level contests.
Pêcheur légendaire
Legendary Angler
Catch every kind of fish.
Éleveur légendaire
Legendary Breeder
Acquire all animals and pets.
Explorateur légendaire
Legendary Explorer
Find all Power Wisps.
Fermier légendaire
Legendary Farmer
Harvest every kind of crop.
Cette terre est ma terre
This Land Is My Land
Find all moving locations.
Chef légendaire
Legendary Chef
Make all dishes.
Champion d'Anthos
Champion of Anthos
Unlock all achievements.