
Mar 20, 2025

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Premier appel
Primary Summoning
Combine 1 2 Star(s) Green stands in a game
Héros ascendant
Advanced Warrior
Combine 1 1 Star(s) Blue stands in a game
Brave de jade
Green Warrior
Combine 1 3 Star(s) Green stands in a game
L’éveil du double
Stand Rise
Combine 1 2 Star(s) Blue stands in a game
Chasseur I
Hunter 1
Kill 5000 Normal monsters in a game
Lueur émeraude I
Green Glitter 1
Collect 300 Emerald in a game
Arsenal complet (Mythique)
Fully Armed (Purple)
Synthesize 6 Purple Equipment in a game
Chasseur II
Hunter 2
Kill 10000 Normal monsters in a game
L’épreuve du novice
Beginner’s Challenge
Complete 1 challenges
L’éveil du pouvoir (Hercule)
Beginner (Muscle)
Complete 1 challenges using Muscle
Rayonnement légendaire
Purple Glitter
Combine 1 1 Star(s) Purple stands in a game
Premiers pas
Beginner’s Road
Play 10 games
Lueur émeraude II
Green Glitter 2
Collect 450 Emerald in a game
Arsenal complet (Légendaire)
Fully Armed (Orange)
Synthesize 6 Orange Equipment in a game
Guerrier légendaire
Legendary Hero
Combine 5 1 Star(s) Purple stands in a game
Souffle vital déchaîné I
HP Breakthrough 1
Max HP reaches up to 3000 in a game
L’éveil du pouvoir (Séléné)
Beginner (Goddess Of The Moon)
Complete 1 challenges using Goddess Of The Moon
Running Like the Wind
Movement speed reaches up to 200% in a game
L’éveil du pouvoir (Chat porte-bonheur)
Beginner (Fortune Cat)
Complete 1 challenges using Fortune Cat
L’éveil du pouvoir (Escrimeur)
Beginner (Swordsman)
Complete 1 challenges using Swordsman
Renaissance I
Ascension 1
Your character reaches Lv.60 in a game
Bénédiction (Mythique)
Blessings Come (Purple)
Receive 5 Purple Blessings in a game
Arsenal complet (Épique)
Fully Armed (Red)
Synthesize 6 Red Equipment in a game
Destructeur I
Destroyer 1
Physical attack reaches up to 2000 in a game
À portée de main
Within Reach
Pickup range reaches up to 300% in a game
Armure impérissable
Immortal Armor
Armor reaches up to 200 in a game
Chasseur de fortune I
Gold Hunter 1
Destroy 600 Gold chest in a game
Magie invincible I
Invincible Magic Power 1
Magic power reaches up to 2000 in a game
Éclat doré I
Golden Light 1
Collect 30000 Gold in a game
L’éveil du pouvoir (Zéphyr)
Beginner (Zephyr)
Complete 1 challenges using Zephyr
Razzia minérale I
Ore Plunder 1
Destroy 600 Raw ore in a game
Trésors sans fin I
Endless Mine 1
Collect 5000 Ore in a game
Sort suprême
Ultimate Magic
Magic penetration reaches up to 300 in a game
L’éveil du pouvoir (Vampire)
Beginner (Vampire)
Complete 1 challenges using Vampire
Vitalité explosive
HP Regen/sec reaches up to 100 in a game
Puissance fracassante
Broken Power
Physical penetration reaches up to 300 in a game
Bénédiction (Légendaire)
Blessings Come (Orange)
Receive 3 Orange Blessings in a game
Maîtrise croissante (Hercule)
Skilled (Muscle)
Complete 10 challenges using Muscle
Briseur de coquilles I
Eggshell Crusher 1
Destroy 600 Monster egg in a game
Renaissance II
Ascension 2
Your character reaches Lv.70 in a game
Périple intérieur
Room Exploration
Unlock 10 Rooms in a game
Au-delà des limites
Beyond the Limit
Combine 8 1 Star(s) Purple stands in a game
Trésors sans fin II
Endless Mine 2
Collect 8000 Ore in a game
Confluence Spirituelle
Soul Power Accumulation
Collect 500 Soul in a game
Seigneur sanglant
Blood Master
Life drain reaches up to 100 in a game
La fin des dieux 1
Doom of Gods 1
Kill 8 BOSS monsters in a game
Éclat doré II
Golden Light 2
Collect 50000 Gold in a game
Sans peur ni reproche I
Fearless Challenge 1
Play 100 games
Coup fatal
Critical Strike
Physical crit rate reaches up to 300% in a game
Souffle vital déchaîné II
HP Breakthrough 2
Max HP reaches up to 7000 in a game
Déflagration Magique
MP Critical
Magic crit rate reaches up to 300% in a game
Chasseur de fortune II
Gold Hunter 2
Destroy 1000 Gold chest in a game
Destructeur II
Destroyer 2
Physical attack reaches up to 4000 in a game
Magie invincible II
Invincible Magic Power 2
Magic power reaches up to 4000 in a game
Razzia minérale II
Ore Plunder 2
Destroy 1000 Raw ore in a game
Chasseur III
Hunter 3
Kill 15000 Normal monsters in a game
Paralysie glaciale
Cooldown Master
Skill cooldown reaches up to 300% in a game
Traqueur véloce
Speed ​​Hunter
Attack speed reaches up to 300% in a game
Habile (Chat porte-bonheur)
Skilled (Fortune Cat)
Complete 10 challenges using Fortune Cat
La fin des dieux 2
Doom of Gods 2
Kill 10 BOSS monsters in a game
Maîtrise croissante (Séléné)
Skilled (Goddess Of The Moon)
Complete 10 challenges using Goddess Of The Moon
Maîtrise croissante (Escrimeur)
Skilled (Swordsman)
Complete 10 challenges using Swordsman
Renaissance III
Ascension 3
Your character reaches Lv.80 in a game
Briseur de coquilles II
Eggshell Crusher 2
Destroy 1000 Monster egg in a game
Maîtrise croissante (Zéphyr)
Skilled (Zephyr)
Complete 10 challenges using Zephyr
Maîtrise croissante (Vampire)
Skilled (Vampire)
Complete 10 challenges using Vampire
Cœur d’acier I
Heart of Fortitude 1
Complete 50 challenges
La fin des dieux 3
Doom of Gods 3
Kill 16 BOSS monsters in a game
Cœur d’acier II
Heart of Fortitude 2
Complete 100 challenges
Sans peur ni reproche II
Fearless Challenge 2
Play 500 games