
Feb 15, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Première prière
First Prayer
Find and light up your first chapel
Qui trouve garde
Finders Keepers
Find your first collectable
Adieu, Compagnon
Farewell, Friend
Finish the first Unworld
Protecteur des animaux
Animals protector
Release the dog on the merchant's stand
Roi du bal
Masquerade king
Complete all the tournament tasks
Femme obstinée
Wayward Woman
Finish the second Unworld
Briseur de code
Code breaker
Guess the code to the locker in the sacristy
Maistre alchimiste
Master of alchemy
Create shersken
Maistre logicien
Master of logic
Find a way into the cardinal's office
Trois 6
Three Sixes
Finish the third Unworld
Gai Bourreau de Tiannon
Mask of the Merry Executioner from Tiannon
Kill the ruffians boss
Par le glaive du Seigneur !
By the Lord's sword!
Dodge 20 attacks
Agile comme une fouine.
Nimble as a weasel
Perform all QTEs during the dungeon chase perfectly
La folie se propage
Madness Festers
Finish the fourth Unworld
Defeat the brothers Finkelstein
Soif de lumière
Light Hunger
Activate Light Wells 10 times.
Les Lames de Caloga
Blades from Caloga
Finish the fifth Unworld
Par les clous de la croix !
By the nails and thorns!
Perform 20 perfect parries
Perspicace en diable
Excellent perceptiveness
Find the countess's servant's necklace in the Ingvar's workshop
Collectionneur insatiable
Avid Collector
Find 20 collectables
Les Trois Rois
The Three Kings
Finish the sixth Unworld
Le pouvoir de l'empathie
The power of empathy
Console Amelia during the conversation at the cemetery
Chasseur de vampires
Vampire slayer
Pourfendeur d'anges déchus
Fallen Angels killer
Sauveur de l'humanité
Savior of mankind
Ce n'est que poussière, petit
‘Tis but dust, scamp
Finish the seventh Unworld
Dompteur de Brume
Murk Tamer
Blind the Murk 10 times.
Maistre des échecs
Chess master
Maistre attentiste
Stalling Master
Perform a stalling time conversation perfectly
Fléau des hérétiques
Slayer of heretics
Retrieve the crossbow from the Small Ruffian without killing him
Et tu redeviendras poussière
Dust to dust
Stun 10 enemies with shersken
Poigne de fer
Iron hand
Interrogate the innkeeper
Fidèle serviteur de Dieu
Faithful Servant of God
Bon garçon
Good Boy
Pet Friend 10 times
Guide de Koenigstein
Koenigstein's Guide
Find all the hidden underground entrances
Maistre interrogateur
Master interrogator
Et j'ai prié, prié
Living on a Prayer
Find and light up all chapels in Koenigstein
Bureau des objets trouvés
Lost and Found
Find all the collectables
Maistre des Hérèges
Master Inquisitor
Collect all Achievements