
Jul 28, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Jeu d'enfant
Piece of cake
Complete the tutorial.
C'est dangereux, sans carte, prends ça !
It’s dangerous to go alone without a map, take this!
Unlock the first map.
Les déchets ont de la valeur !
Trash is valuable!
Find your first collectible.
Beginner level
Get a gold medal.
On s'amuse, non ?
This is fun, right?
Shopping (pour Napopo)
Looking for a new style (for Napopo)
Buy a backpack for Koa.
Looking for a new style
Buy a t-shirt for Koa.
Il faut prendre soin de la mer !
We have to take care of the sea (says Noho)!
Dump the trash in a frog container.
Je ne me vexe jamais, nope.
I’m not mad, nope
Win a race against the pirate apprentices.
À la redécouverte de Mara
Rediscovering Mara
Unlock a small map.
Colère noire
Anger issues
Amélioration au top
Pimp my boat
Buy an upgrade for the boat.
Napopo Pole-dance
Napopo pole dance
Get the first sunken treasure.
Des canons, mais tranquille, hein ?
Relaxing cannons
Retour aux origines
Back to the beginning.
Go up to your roof on Home Island.
Il faut stimuler l'économie, petite !
We have to support the economy, kid!
Buy a Qälis expansion.
Jouer avec des créatures ancestrales et très puissantes
Playing with powerful and ancestral creatures
Professional level
Get 15 gold medals.
Fais face… à un robot géant hors de contrôle ?!
Face… a giant out-of-control robot?!
Aucun danger
Nothing dangerous about this
Contre l'extraction du pétrole !
Anti-fracking action against oil companies
Condition indispensable
Essential requirement
Pet the dog.
C'est en écoutant qu'on comprend les gens
The power of words
Baleine en vue !
Whale in sight!
Catch all 5 whales in the sea.
Napopo Cousteau
Napopo Cousteau
Get all the sunken treasures.
Rapide et déchainée
Fast and furious
Win every race against the pirate apprentices.
La reine des mers
Queens of the sea
Unlock every map in the game.
Des déchets. Quelqu'un a perdu une vis…
The trash is really grinding my gears
Find every gear.
Butin d'épave
Shipwreck Loot
Find all 25 barrels in the sea
Que dirait Yaya si elle voyait ça
What would Yaya say if she saw this
Buy every upgrade for the boat.
Walker, there is no path, the path is made in walking
Meet Onzo five times.
Retour aux prémices
Everything as it was
Buy all the Qälis expansions.
Fashion victim
Buy all the t-shirts.
Napopo la fashionista
Napopo fashion victim
Buy all the backpacks.
De vrais déchets
Trash. Definitely trash
Find every piece of plastic.
… Des déchets ?
Find every pearl.
Des déchets bien découpés et prêts à l’utilisation
Trash is cut and ready to use
Find every piece of fabric.
Molty level
Get every gold medal.