
Aug 12, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Voltigeur débutant
Capable of mainly flying in the air
Attacked by hidden kedama.
Nature fantasmagorique
Fantasy Nature
View the Game Over screen.
Fée des glaces du lac
Ice Fairy of the Lake
Defeated Stage 1 boss Cirno.
Pas de triche
No Cheating
Attacked by kedama.
Gardienne du Scarlet Devil Mansion
Gate Keeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
Defeated Stage 2 boss Meiling.
Gouvernante du Scarlet Devil Mansion
Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
Defeated Stage 3 boss Sakuya.
La prêtresse du Temple Hakurei
The Shrine Maiden of Hakurei Shrine
Exterminated a total of 300 youkai.
Âmes libérées
Liberated Souls
Destroyed 100 candles.
Marionnettiste aux sept couleurs
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Defeated Stage 4 boss Alice.
Jugement des poupées
Doll Judgement
Destroy 30 of Alice's dolls.
Petite parade nocturne des cent démons
Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons
Defeated Stage 5 boss Suika.
Et il n'y aura plus personne ?
And Then Will There Be None?
Discovered the secret behind jizo.
Urne à offrande du Temple Hakurei
The Hakurei Shrine's Offertory Box
Collected a total of 3000 Souls.
Grande bibliothèque immobile
The Unmoving Great Library
Defeated Stage 6 boss Patchouli.
Squelette doré
Golden Skeleton
Destroyed 30 bones thrown by skeletons.
Gouvernante de la Scarlet Devil
Maid of the Scarlet Devil
Defeated Stage 7 boss Sakuya.
Scarlet Devil
The Scarlet Devil
Defeated Stage 8 boss Remilia.
Ne vois-tu pas l'adversaire redoutable en face de toi ?
Don't you see a formidable enemy right in front of you?
Beat Stage 1 without losing any Life.
Zut, me voilà dos au mur !
Damn. Time for my last stand combat formation!
Beat Stage 2 without losing any Life.
C'est un secret !
Destroyed 50 vases.
Le youkai du crépuscule
Youkai of the Dusk
Defeated Bonus Stage boss Rumia.
Pas un geste !
Move and I'll Shoot
Defeated five enemies at once using a partner attack.
L'émissaire des dieux
The Advocate of the Myriad Gods
Reached a score of 1,000,000.
N'importe où, n'importe quand
Whenever and Wherever
Defeated all fairy types.
Les Danmaku, c'est une question d'intelligence.
Danmaku is all about brains.
Beat Stage 4 without losing any Life.
Je vais me faire gronder par la maîtresse !
The mistress will be angry with me!!
Beat Stage 3 without losing any Life.
Ne fais pas le bazar dans ma bibliothèque.
There is no rampaging around in my study.
Beat Stage 6 without losing any Life.
Petite sœur de la Scarlet Devil
Sister of the Devil
Defeated Bonus Stage boss Flandre.
Marisa a volé quelque chose de précieux
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
Defeated ten book fairies with Marisa as your partner.
Mon armée, c'est la parade nocturne des cent démons !
My army is the night parade of a hundred demons!
Beat Stage 5 without losing any Life.
"Tu te souviens combien de tranches de pain tu as mangées jusqu'à aujourd'hui ?"
Can you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten until now?
Beat Stage 8 without losing any Life.
Ton temps m'appartient.
Your time, too, is mine...
Beat Stage 7 without losing any Life.
Jeu de Danmaku
The Danmaku Game
Defeated a boss using only ofuda (shots).
Grenouilles congelées
Frozen Frogs
Defeated ten frog fairies with Cirno as your partner.
Vas-y tranquille !
Take it easy!
Obtained all yukkuri types.
Oh, depuis quand es-tu derrière moi ?
Oh, how long have you been standing behind me?
Beat Bonus Stage without losing any Life.
Je suis Reimu Hakurei, la prêtresse du paradis !
I'm Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maiden of paradise!
Beat all main stages on Hard mode.
Admirez le pouvoir des serviteurs des dieux !
This is the power of those who serve gods!
Beat Extra Stage on Hard mode.
Tu veux bien jouer avec moi ?
Will you play with me?
Defeated the Extra Stage boss Flandre without taking damage.
Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony
Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony
Earned all achievements in Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony.