
Jun 19, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Un élément important
Something important
Collect an item
Un morceau de l'histoire
A piece of the story
Collect a piece of the story
Caché pour une raison
It's covered up for a reason
Get working on your Magnum Opus
Take a thousand steps
Débris d'amour
Scraps of love
Find a memento of your family
Ressenti de l'artiste
The artist’s impression
Collect a rat sketch
Un signe de faiblesse
Sign of weakness
Destroy one of the objects with light
Faites ce que vous devez faire
Do what you have to
Find something to hold her back
Refuser de regarder
Refuse to look
Avoid your enemy
Affronter vos peurs
Face your fears
See your enemy and fail
Murmures depuis longtemps oubliés
Whispers long forgotten
Gather 42 whisper items
Finished it
Finish the Magnum Opus
Sound Bite
Use the phonograph
Silence, moteur, action !
Lights, Camera, Action!
Begin shooting your movie
Find your first movie poster
Une tranche de vie
A Slice of Life
Find your first photo slide
L'art du mouvement
The art of movement
Make the mannequin play
Une autre perspective
Another Perspective
Find something to hold it back
Instinct de préservation de soi
Instinct of self-preservation
Heed the warning
Premiers pas
First steps
Make the first step towards freedom
Se libérer
Breaking free
Break the first chain
Conversation compliquée
Tough conversation
Live through the first conversation
S'en souvenir comme si c'était hier
I remember It Like Was Yesterday
Recall 6 of your childhood memories
Live through the second conversation
Un sujet de réflexion
Something to think about
Collect 11 items
Une nouvelle méthode
A new way
Live through the third conversation
La tragédie s'exécute
The tragedy unfolds
See the end of Musician’s story
Correspondance obscure
Dark correspondence
Collect 32 notes
Un lourd fardeau
Heavy Burden
Go through the Hypnotic Maze
Spot something through spyglass
Ça valait la peine d'essayer
It was worth a try
Dial 911
Casting terminé
Casting Finished
Make the final decision
Parent préféré
Preferred Parent
Stuck to one parent’s side through the entirety of the quarrel vision.
Véritable reflet
True Reflection
Complete Writer’s Story
En pleine tempête
The Perfect Storm
Send out an SOS
Série de scoops
Full Scoop
Listen 4 phonograph interviews
Sept repêchés capitaux
Se7en Seas
Save all the lost souls
Filmographie complète
Body of Work
Bring 11 movie posters to your cabin
Nous ne sommes pas seuls
We Are Not Alone
Bring 3 mysterious items to your cabin
Mosaïque de souffrances
A Mosaic of Misery
View 8 photo slides in your cabin
Dans l'espace, personne ne vous entend crier
Rocket Science
Journey through space without hitting a single obstacle
Immortalisés dans mon cœur
Immortalized in my heart
Gather 12 family mementos
Une seule prise
In One Take
Get through the set without getting caught in the lights
Vision d'ensemble
The Big Picture
Assemble all the puzzle pieces
L'arbre et la pomme
The Tree and the Apple
Discover your true inheritance.
Il était une fois
Once Upon a Time
Watch the entire Little Red Riding Hood story.
On a un problème
You might have a problem
Gather 12 drawings of the rodents
Vous ne l'encaissez pas, la vérité
You Can’t Handle the Truth
Decrypt a mysterious item
L'épée du serpent
Sword of the Serpent
Slay the evil serpent roaming the land of the fables.
Lâcher prise
Letting Go
Break the loop.
Toute l'histoire
The whole story
Earn all trophies
Get your inheritance