Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home

Sep 29, 2023

In this guide to Chapter 1 of A Little to the Left, we'll give you the solutions to all the levels in the chapter you need to solve.

Level 1

For this level, all you need to do is straighten the picture.

Niveau 1

Level 2

Place all available cat toys inside the basket.

Niveau 2

Level 3

Place the pencils in order, from lightest to darkest. You'll be able to see the color at the top to indicate the correct pencil. Make sure the pencils are straight too.

Niveau 3

Level 4

Place the Post-its so that the line runs from left to right.

Niveau 4

Level 5

Straightening up all the tables.

Niveau 5

Level 6

Place the papers in order from largest to smallest to form this picture.

Niveau 6

Level 7

Place the books in order, from largest to smallest.

Niveau 7

Now arrange the books from thickest to thinnest.

Niveau 7 - 2

Level 8

Place video game cartridges in vertical alignment.

Niveau 8

Level 9

Move the stamps to make the following sequences on the envelopes. You'll find stamps hidden under the envelopes. You can click on the cat's paw to stop it getting in your way.

Niveau 9

Level 10

Place the Post-its in the grid to make the next puzzle.

Niveau 10

Level 11

Count the number of pins of each color and place them in the plant containing the same number of berries.

Niveau 11

Level 12

Place the stickers on the calendar in the same placement pattern until the end of the month.

Niveau 12

Level 13

Place the books so that the pattern on the bottom of the books matches the picture.

Niveau 13

Place the books so that the smallest is in the middle and the books gradually increase in size on the left and right.

Niveau 13 - 2

Level 14

Tilt the paintings so that the subject of the painting is upright. You can use the lines in the background of the pictures to help you find your way around. Listen to the sounds to ensure correct placement.

Niveau 14

Level 15

Place the Post-its to form a grid so that the lines are continuous. There are 3 empty spaces in the grid.

Niveau 15

Level 16

Place the pencils in order from the smallest on the left to the largest on the right.

Niveau 16

Place the pencils in order, from the smallest eraser on the left to the largest on the right.

Niveau 16 2

Place the pencils in the order of the rainbow.

Niveau 16 3

Level 17

Position the various elements so that they occupy the desk perfectly, without leaving any gaps.

Niveau 17

Level 18

Arrange the books to match the colors of the rainbow.

Niveau 18

Then arrange the books in strips from the highest cover on the left to the lowest strip on the right.

Niveau 18 - 2

Level 19

Place the pencils in order, from largest to smallest, and get rid of the shavings by moving them to the edge of the screen.

Niveau 19

Place the pencils in the order of the patterns above the eraser, from the most curved to the most zigzagging.

Niveau 19 - 2

Level 20

Turn the dials so that the indicator light above them appears. Move the arm to the second song, the one without the stripes.

Niveau 20