
Aug 17, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Complete all levels in Chapter I
Bel élan
Treasured Momentum
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter I levels
Résistant aux sorts
Complete all levels in Chapter II
C'est parti pour un tour
Gone for a Whirl
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter II levels
Huit niveaux de descente
Octolevel Traverser
Complete all levels in Chapter III
À l'aventure
Venture Time
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter I levels
Kickin' It
Complete all levels in Chapter IV
Bonus et malus
Power-Ups and Downs
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter III levels
En bonne compagnie
In Good Company
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter II levels
Attention, ça glisse
Slip Sliding Away
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter IV levels
Pause café
Take Five
Complete all levels in Chapter V
Assaut de la citadelle
Storm the Citadel
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter III levels
Dans un sens, puis dans l'autre
Wax On, Wax Off
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter I levels
Participate in 5 challenge levels
Ultra déverouillé
Ultra Unlocked
Complete all levels in the Ultra Arc
Défiez les lois de la pesanteur
Defying Gravity
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter IV levels
Relation symbiotique
Symbiotic Relationship
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter V levels
Timing, rythme et rime
Timing, Rhythm, and Rhyme
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter II levels
En tête à sphères
Face Your Spheres
Complete all levels in Chapter VI
Bienvenue dans Fortnight
Welcome to Fortnight
Participate in 10 challenge levels
Chaque Penrose a des épines
Every Penrose Has Its Thorn
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter V levels
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter III levels
Ultra enclenché
Ultra Unleashed
Beat the Silver time on all levels in the Ultra Arc
Faites rouler la concurrence
Rolling the Competition
Roll 5 Miles
Baston générale !
Mixing It Up!
Participate in 20 challenge levels
Indéniablement ultra
Undoubtedly Ultra
Beat the Gold time on all levels in the Ultra Arc
Meilleur du monde
Top of the World
Beat the Silver time in all Chapter VI levels
Plus d'encoches
No More Notches
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter IV levels
Spend 1 hour airborne
Roll 26 Miles
Art Dodéco
Art Dodeco
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter V levels
20 naturel
Natural 20
Beat the Gold time in all Chapter VI levels
Adepte des séries
A Series Regular
Participate in 40 challenge levels
Démesurément ultra
Unreasonably Ultra
Beat the Diamond time on all levels in the Ultra Arc
La diversité est le sel de la vie
Variety is the Spice of Life
Participate in 60 challenge levels
Vol de nuit
Red-eye Flight
Spend 8 hours airborne
Fléau d'Icosahydra
Bane of Icosahydra
Beat the Diamond time in all Chapter VI levels
Gamme complète
Running the Gamut
Participate in 80 challenge levels
Pas si mauvaise habitude
Not a Bad Habit
Et je marcherais...
And I Would Walk...
Roll 500 Miles
Regardez ce que j'ai trouvé !
Look What I Found!
Collect 10 trophies
Le meilleur de la semaine
The Strong and The Week
Earn 300 points in a 4+ player Sumo match without falling out
Spend 1 day airborne
Chasseur de buts
Score 5 goals in multiplayer Soccer
Bel attaquant
Pretty Forward
Score 25 goals in multiplayer Soccer
Détecteur de bille
Marble Detector
Collect 25 trophies
Récolteur de pierres précieuses
Gemstone Gatherer
Collect 1000 gems in multiplayer Gem Hunt
Envie de crâne
Cranium Craving
Turn 28 survivors into zombies in multiplayer Zombies
On s'éclate
Having a Blast
Stay in the zone for 15 minutes in multiplayer Sumo
Trésor du dragon
Dragon's Hoard
Collect 10,000 gems in multiplayer Gem Hunt
Coffre de banque
Bank Vault
Collect 5,000 gems in multiplayer Gem Hunt
Stay in the zone for 45 minutes in multiplayer Sumo
Vol de joyaux
Jewel Heist
Collect 5 blue gems in a single 4+ player Gem Hunt match
Buteur éclair
Lightning Striker
Score 100 goals in multiplayer Soccer
Grosse tête
Turn 5 survivors into zombies in a single 4+ player Zombies match
Recruteur enthousiaste
Enthusiastic Recruiter
Turn 100 survivors into zombies in multiplayer Zombies
Triplé héroïque
Hat Trick Hero
Score 3 goals in a single 4+ player Soccer match
Le mort-roulant
The Rolling Dead
Turn 300 survivors into zombies in multiplayer Zombies
Sous toutes les pierres
No Stone Unturned
Collect 117 trophies
The Archeologist
Collect 75 trophies
Complete all levels in Bonus I
Super limier
Super Sleuth
Collect 50 trophies
Beat the Silver time in all Bonus III levels
Beat the Silver time in all Bonus I levels
Congé sabbatique
Beat the Gold time in all Bonus I levels
Quête secondaire
Beat the Diamond time in all Bonus I levels
Off the Path
Complete all levels in Bonus II
Le vaste monde
The Wide World
Beat the Silver time in all Bonus II levels
Une charmante expédition
A Lovely Expedition
Beat the Gold time in all Bonus II levels
Beat the Diamond time in all Bonus II levels
Complete all levels in Bonus III
Une évasion bienvenue
A Welcome Escape
Beat the Gold time in all Bonus III levels
Performance au top
Pinnacle Performance
Beat the Diamond time on all levels in the Bonus Chapters
Beat the Diamond time in all Bonus III levels
Complete all levels in Bonus IV
La distance
The Distance
Beat the Silver time in all Bonus IV levels
Effort herculéen
Herculean Effort
Beat the Gold time in all Bonus IV levels
Beat the Diamond time in all Bonus IV levels
Crédit supplémentaire
Extra Credit
Complete all levels in the Bonus Chapters
Un fan des classiques
A Fan of the Classics
Beat the Silver time on all levels in the Bonus Chapters
Beat the Gold time on all levels in the Bonus Chapters
Jouer pour gagner
Playing for Keeps
Stay in the zone for 2 hours in multiplayer Sumo