
Nov 30, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Et d’un !
One Down
Defeat the first boss
Niveau 2
Level 2
Reach level 2
Jouer le jeu
Play the game
Complete 5 combat missions in a run
Niveau 3
Level 3
Reach level 3
Treat Yo'self
Purchase something from the shop
Niveau 4
Level 4
Reach level 4
Et de deux !
Two Down
Defeat the second boss
Pas de fumée sans feu
Spray and Pray
Extinguish a fire on your ship
Niveau 5
Level 5
Reach level 5
Ratisser le désert
Comb the desert
Complete 10 combat missions in a run
Complete 30 combat missions
Travail acharné, tête reposée
Work Hard Play Hard
Complete 10 non-combat missions
Vingt dollars ? Je voulais une cacahuète !
Aw Twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!
Vous n'oubliez rien ?
Forgetting something?
Niveau 6
Level 6
Reach level 6
Simple comme bonjour
Ez Pz
Complete 3 survival missions in a run
Les Norg peuvent attendre
The Norg can wait
Complete 3 non-combat missions in a run
Et de trois !
Three Down
Defeat the third boss
Pas mal du tout
Not Bad
Reach the 1st shop with full health
Niveau 7
Level 7
Reach level 7
Couteaux tirés
That's not a knife!
Complete 50 Combat Missions
Pantaculaire !
Defeat the second boss as Pants
Esquiver, éviter, s'échapper !
Dodge duck dip dive dodge
Complete 10 survival missions
Wax On
Train your crew at a trainer
Joueur hardcore
Hardcore Gamer
Complete 20 non-combat missions
Ian la menace
Ian Style
Defeat the second boss as Ian
Grand dépensier
Big Spender
Spend over $1,000 in the shop in a run
Niveau 8
Level 8
Reach level 8
Tout était calculé
Phew! Survive a battle with under 10% hull health
Starting to get Impressed
Reach the 2nd shop with full health
Matraqueur de boutons
Likes pressing buttons
Reroll the shop 3 times
Ouf !
Phew! Survive a battle with under 20% hull health
Complete 100 combat missions
Crocodile furax
Defeat the third boss as Pants
Ian en force
3rd Ianning
Defeat the third boss as Ian
Niveau 9
Level 9
Reach level 9
L'envolée du Faucon noir
Blackhawk Up
Complete 20 combat missions in a run
Destructeur de mondes
Destroyer Of Worlds
Scott et Lee, téléportez-nous !
Beam us up Scott and Lee
Beam me up! Teleport to another ship
Crazy Rich
Spend over $2,000 in the shop in a run
Bien mérité
Okay you earned it
Reach the 3rd shop with full health
Vétéran grisonnant
Grizzled Veteran
Complete 150 combat missions
Promotion !
Prestige once
À nous la puissance
We have the Power
Complete default scenario with 2nd ship
Bling bling
Bling Bling
Spend over $10,000 in the shop
Levée de boucliers
Shields Up!
Complete Scenario 1 - Shields Up!
Bâtisseur chevronné
Build Master
Reroll the shop 5 times
Submergé de puissance
Power Overwhelming
Complete Scenario 2 - Power Overwhelming
Tous à bord !
All Aboard!
Complete Scenario 5 - All Aboard
Prestige twice
Double dose
Double Tap
Complete Scenario 3 - Double Tap
Bombes larguées
Bombs Away
Complete Scenario 4 - Bombs Away
Defeat the final boss on hard
C'est bien ce que je pensais
That's what I thought
Complete Scenario 6 - Come At Me Bro
Prestige three times
Brèche nettoyée
Breach Cleared
Complete Scenario 7 - Into The Breach
Prestige five times
105 %
Complete Scenario 8 - Overcharge!
Prestige four times
Super tenace
Ridiculously Tough
Beat the game on Nightmare 5 Difficulty or Higher
Dur à cuire
Tough Guy
Beat the game on Nightmare 3 Difficulty or Higher