
Apr 30, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Attention, ça pique !
Stick 'Em With The Pointy End
Kill your first enemy
Il fait chaud ici
Getting Hot in Here
Smelt your first ingot
Changement de direction
Open a power chest
Beginner's Luck
Die for the first time
Bling bling
Bling Bling
Equip your first accessory
Chance du débutant
Picking a fight
Open a combat chest
Bon appétit !
Bon Appetit!
Combo multiple ingredients into a meal
Sinistres gelées
Kill 15 jellyfish
Ottoment honoré par ta présence
Terra-iffic job!
Open a terraforming chest
C’est qui le boss ?
Who's The Boss?
Get killed by a boss
Qu’on est bien chez soi
Your Significant Otter
Meet Otto
Comment voler un robot
Kill an E-corp extractor and take its items
Se mettre au vert
Launch your ship!
Acier bleu
Blue Steel
Smelt a steel ingot
Bio travail !
Home Sweet Home
Craft your first door
Pas besoin de ton aide !
I Don't Need Your Help!
"Accidentally" destroy Helper-bot
Énergie renouvelable
Unlimited Power
Construct a windmill
Pourfendeur de gelées
Sinister Scyphozoans
Kill 50 jellyfish
Le vol du mort
The Flying Dead
Get killed while airborne
At Least You Tried
Die 10 times
Tu as bien dormi ?
Wakey Wakey
Wake up a sleeping watcher
Allié des alliages
Alloy Ally
Smelt an elemental alloy
Tas de ferraille
Scrap Metal
Kill 15 E-Corp drones
Soda... spatial
Soda.... in Space...
Activate a soda machine
Gelée pour le dîner
Kill 200 jellyfish
La main toute verte
Complete your first system
Tous bons pour la casse !
Kill 50 E-corp drones
Nautiplus ? Nautimoins
Defeat a Nautilus
Laser tranquille
Lazy Laser
Defeat a Hydra
L’exploration spatiale comme une liste de courses
Open 5 power chests
Corail K.O.
Coral KO
Defeat a Fire Coral
Au moins, tu auras essayé
Are You Not Entertained?
Open 5 combat chests
Corail : Enraciné
Coral: Grounded
Defeat the Fire Coral without a jetpack equipped
Tu refroidis... Tu chauffes !
You're Hot and You're Cold
Activate a Silicon Smelter
Bienvenue dans l’arène
Perks of Being A Completionist
Buy 10 perks
Tu as du courrier !
You've Got Mail!
Send a package through Starmail
Affaire poisseuse
Fishy Business
Defeat a Dragonfish boss
Nautilus : Miséricordieux
Nautilus: Merciful
Defeat the Nautilus without killing any Nautlings
Tango pour deux
Twin Tango
Defeat the Twin Squids
Hydre : Intouchable
Hydra: Untouchable
Defeat the Hydra without falling below 90% health
Décollage !
Going Green
Open 5 terraforming chests
Ultime repos
Final Rest
Defeat Omni-bot
Savoir connaître ses atouts
Open 20 power chests
E-corps sans vie !
E-corp? More Like E-corpse!
Kill 200 E-corp drones
Était-ce vraiment nécessaire ?
Welcome To The Thunderdome
Open 20 combat chests
Corail : Intouchable
Coral: Untouchable
Defeat the Fire Coral without falling below 90% health
Breaking the Meta
Place a meta-furnace - then destroy it.
De l’art de choisir son combat
Under New Management
Complete a system in the pink zone
Nautilus : Intouchable
Nautilus: Untouchable
Defeat the Nautilus without falling below 90% health
Hydre : Blitzkrieg
Hydra: Blitzkrieg
Defeat the Hydra in under 15 seconds
Corail : Frappant
Coral: Impacted
Deal the finishing blow to the Fire Coral using a Gravity Hammer's smash
Poisson-dragon : Intouchable
Dragonfish: Untouchable
Defeat the Dragonfish without falling below 90% health
Hydre : Automatisation
Hydra: Automated
Defeat the Hydra without equipping a weapon
Poisson-dragon : Déviation
Dragonfish: Deflected
Defeat the Dragonfish after using melee attacks to deflect 5 Dragonfish Spines over the course of the battle
Die 100 times
Tu as sauvé la galaxie !
You Saved the Mini-verse!
Defeat the Jellyfish Progenitor
Anémone ennemie
Anemone Enemy
Defeat an Anemone
La flèche de Cupidon
Cupid's Arrow
Fletch an arrow that can heal enemies
Nautilus : En miettes
Nautilus: Shattered
Shatter the Nautilus's shell 5 times during a fight
Chantre libérateur
Really Green Thumbs
Open 20 terraforming chests
Invention de génie
Mad Scientist
Combine a serum that applies 8 different effects at once
Take 300 damage or more from a single attack
La grille de fabrication fait quelle taille au juste ?
The Crafting Grid is HOW BIG?
Activate a Mega-Printer
Tu en veux encore ?
Space Is Merely A Checklist
Complete 15 systems
Poisson-dragon : Explosif
Dragonfish: Explosive
Deal the finishing blow to the dragonfish using a bomb
Anémone : Intouchable
Anemone: Untouchable
Defeat the Anemone without falling blow 90% health
Anémone : Altitude
Anemone: Altitude
Deal the finishing blow to the Anemone while you're both over 30 blocks above the planet's surface
Anémone : Toxique
Anemone: Toxic
Defeat the Anemone after applying 8 different status effects over the course of your battle
Calamars jumeaux : Intouchable
Twin Squids: Untouchable
Defeat the Twin Squids without falling below 90% health
Calamars jumeaux : Synchronisation
Twin Squids: Synchronized
Defeat the Twin Squids within 10 seconds of each other
Calamars jumeaux : Mon préféré
Twin Squids: Favorite Sibling
Kill one squid while the other has over 90% health - then finish the job!