
Jul 25, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Survivant de la première vague
Early Survivor
Defeat the first boss.
Un diablotin vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras !
Play an Imp card.
Champion amélioré
Upgraded Champion
Upgrade your Champion twice.
Niveau supérieur !
Level Up!
Level up any clan.
La crème de l'enfer
Hell’s Finest
Have a monster deal at least 60 damage in one hit.
Vous êtes mort !
You Died!
Lose a run.
Chasseur d'anges
Angel Hunter
Defeat Fel.
Dans les abysses
Into the Deep Sea
Unlock The Stygian Guard.
Séraphin le vaincu
Seraph the Defeated
Defeat Seraph.
Tout dans le cortex, rien dans les biceps
All Brain, No Brawn
Have a spell deal at least 120 damage in one hit.
Le briseur de cornes
The Breaker of Horns
Reach Level 5 on The Hellhorned.
Un semblant de sentience
A Semblance of Sentience
Reach Level 5 on The Awoken.
Automation diabolique
Diabolical Automation
Unlock The Umbra.
Gardien du Styx
Guardian of the Styx
Reach Level 5 on The Stygian Guard.
Guidé par les bougies
Guided by Candles
Unlock The Melting Remnant.
Volute réanimée
A Wisp Reanimated
Reach Level 5 on The Umbra.
L’enfer de Dante
Dante’s Inferno
Éphémère, mais pas rien
A Vicarious Remnant
Reach Level 5 on The Melting Remnant.
Dominance des Cornus
Hellhorned Dominance
Reach Level 10 on The Hellhorned.
Éveil complet
Fully Awakened
Reach Level 10 on The Awoken.
Le long périple débute
The Long Journey Begins
Win a run at Covenant 5.
Défenseur stygien
Stygian Defender
Reach Level 10 on The Stygian Guard.
Reach Level 10 on The Umbra.
C'est un secret...
It’s a Secret...
Sans Seraph
Defeat Seraph before his combat phase.
Vacillement éternel
An Endless Flicker
Reach Level 10 on The Melting Remnant.
Vous appelez ça un défi ?
Is That a Challenge?
Start a Daily Challenge.
Le diable est dans les détails
The Devil is in the Details
Win a run at Covenant 10.
Raviveur du Brasier, sauveur de l'enfer
Igniter of Pyre, Savior of Hell
Achieve max level on all clans.
Crâne Fel-é
Defeat Fel before her combat phase.
Un démon humilié est capable de tout
Hell Hath No Fury
Win a run at Covenant 15.
Créateurs de l'enfer
Creators of Hell
View the credits.
Daed-à plus
Defeat Daedalus before his combat phase.
Apprenti du Brasier
Trainee of the Pyre
Score at least 30,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Adios Talos
Ta-ta Talos
Defeat Talos before her combat phase.
Tschuss Archus
Defeat Archus before his combat phase.
Nous sommes nés de monstres
We Were Born of Monsters
Win a run at Covenant 25.
Disciple du Brasier
Apprentice of the Pyre
Score at least 40,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Train bondé
A Cramped Train
Win a run with at least 40 cards at the end of the run.
Au voleur ! Arrêtez-vous !
Thief! Stop!
20/20 aux deux yeux
20/20 Vision
Win a run with googly eyes enabled.
Les Éphémériens
The Melting Remnant
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Melting Remnant.
C'est moi qui décide
My Game, My Rules
Create a Custom Challenge.
Les Éveillés
The Awoken
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Awoken.
Les Umbras
The Umbra
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Umbra.
Les Cornus
The Hellhorned
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Hellhorned.
Groupe disparate
The Ragtag Bunch
Win a run with 10 or fewer cards at the end of the run.
En solitaire
On Your Own
Win a run without a Champion.
Les Gardes stygiens
The Stygian Guard
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Stygian Guard.
Maître du Brasier
Master of the Pyre
Score at least 50,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Rien que de la détermination
Only Determination
Win a run without collecting any artifacts.
Achetez donc quelque chose !
Buy Something, Won't You?
Leçon de deckbuilding
How to Deckbuilder
Win a run with 0 cards at the end of the run.