
Aug 23, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Tu es une pirate, Hélène
You're a pirate, Ellen
Open your first treasure chest
La cuisine pour les nuls
One, two, oatmeal!
Cook a dish with one ingredient
Robot boy
Destroy 5 robots
Chasseresse de trésors
Treasure hunter
Open 10 treasure chests
Viens, petit poulet !
Come here, you chicken!
Befriend a chicken
On n'est pas de bois
Wooden't that be nice
Collect 50 wood
Find your first feather
Espèce de patate
Holy potato!
Collect 10 potatoes
Il faut un début à tout
Recy’clinging on
Collect 100 recycled material
L'amie des poulets
The chicken whisperer
Befriend 5 chickens
Folle chasse au trésor
Wild treasure hunt
Open 25 treasure chests
Trop bot !
Destroy 30 robots
L'œuf ou la poule ?
The chicken came first!
Collect 10 eggs
Pacha lama
Spit it out!
Befriend a llama
Non aux déchets
One man's trash
Collect 10000 trash
Oh, des cailloux !
Grubble grubble
Collect 50 rubble
Quête du chevalier 1
Knight's Quest 1
Encounter Cornelius 1 time.
Attention les doigts !
RAM module uninstalled
Destroy the Chonker Smasher
Mon précieux !
My precious!
Open 50 treasure chests
Un Bloody Mary ?
I need to ketchup
Collect 10 tomatoes
Eux toujours faire ainsi
No time to llament
Befriend 5 llamas
Pas de tarte aux pommes de terre
Not a couch potato
Collect 50 potatoes
Wooden guard
Collect 150 wood
C'est grave, docteur ?
Get ready to rubble!
Collect 150 rubble
La Terre est sauvée !
The earth is saved!
Repair the foxes den
Collect 25000 trash
T'es dure de la feuille ?
Lettuce begin
Collect 10 lettuce
Jack 'o' lantern
Collect 10 pumpkins
Copains comme cochons
This little piggy
Befriend a pig
Vive les aubergines
Collect 10 eggplants
Le goupil
Hello Basil!
Help a fox
Ramène ta fraise !
Put a straw into it!
Collect 10 strawberries
What a jam!
Collect 200 jars
C'est pour graver les oies ?
Won't leave you in ruin
Collect 300 rubble
La ferme d'Hélène
Ellen the builder
Build 5 stations
Destroy 100 robots
Cinq, impair et gruik
5th pig's the charm?
Befriend 5 pigs
Tous des truffes
Tell me the truthfle
Collect 10 truffles
Capitaine Plat-verne
Captain Cook
Cook 10 dishes in total
À deux, c'est mieux
Prepare your trouble! Make it double!
Cook a dish with two ingredients
Au voleur !
Open 100 treasure chests
Pom pom pom pom
Appleling work!
Collect 10 apples
Attention aux termites
Ellen woodpecker
Collect 300 wood
C'est lamatable
A baggage of experience
Collect 5 resources from llamas
Sly-tly generous
Collect 5 reward seeds from foxes
Jetez-moi tout ça
Get ready for thrashing!
Collect 50000 trash
Saut à l'élastique
Rub it out
Collect 50 rubber waste
En maraude
Skulking around
Help 5 foxes
T'es toute rouge !
Hot tomato
Collect 50 tomatoes
Mon œuf est tout neuf
Eggsemplary work
Collect 100 eggs
On fait la grave !
Rubbleing it in
Collect 500 rubble
Alors, on pêche ?
Juiced enough!
Collect 10 peaches
Pas celles du dentiste
Berryd alot of them!
Collect 50 strawberries
Délicieuses en ratatouille
Still not an egg!
Collect 50 eggplants
Survivre. S'adapter. Recycler.
Survive. Adapt. Recycle.
Collect 2500 recycled material
Ça flanque la trouille
Collect 50 pumpkins
T'en veux un pneu ?
Prubber behaviour
Collect 150 rubber waste
Quête du chevalier 2
Knight's Quest 2
Encounter Cornelius 3 times.
Hélène la xylophage
Plank it out!
Collect 500 wood
Manque de pot
Jar you kidding me?
Collect 2500 jars
La taille, c'est surfait
Size doesn't matter
Destroy the Massive Devastator
C'est chou
Leaf it out!
Collect 50 lettuce
Les trois gros
Dish trick!
Cook a dish with three ingredients
Sarah Connor ?
I'll be back!
Destroy 250 robots
Sortez les poubelles
It's garbage day!
Collect 100000 trash
Plum plum plum
Mail system
Find every feather in the village
Le vilain petit canard
The Ugly Duckling
Befriend a duck
Squeaky unclean
Collect 300 rubber waste
Verre bouteille
Don't bottle it up
Collect 50 glass waste
Ne manque que l'encens
Isn't it purple?
Collect 10 blueberries
Avec panache
Starter flock
Find every feather on the farm
Mangez des pommes !
Appley for the job!
Plant and grow 10 apple trees
Un froid de canard
Befriend 5 ducks
Un petit verre ?
New glasses!
Collect 100 glass waste
Vachement sympa
Moowing the lawn
Befriend a cow
Pomme année !
Pie chart
Collect 100 apples
Défense d'entrer !
Come get your boarrings
Repair the boars home
Toujours plus !
Not enough potatoes!
Collect 200 potatoes
Petits, petits !
Cook 100 pet food in one go
Coups de cane
Bad egg
Collect 10 duck eggs
Le juste prisme
Not the last prism
Collect 150 glass waste
Le nouveau noir
It's not out orange!
Collect 10 oranges
Daimned !
Repair the deers home
Mets la gomme
Collect 500 rubber waste
Vache, vachons, vachez
Moo-nlight Sonata
Befriend 5 cows
Vous daimsez ?
Deer Princess Sky...
Help a deer
Ça biche ?
Deering do
Help 5 deer
Au secruiiik !
Not too boaring
Help a boar
Collect 10 milk
22 !
Chicken World Coop
Befriend 15 chickens
Collect 200 glass waste
L'empire des truffes
Truffle Emporium
Collect 100 truffles
Brzzzt !
What a shocker!
Collect 25 electric waste
Playing electro
Collect 50 electric waste
Un seul ?
Help a fennec
On zappe ?
A known zapper
Collect 100 electric waste
Grand nettoyage
Collect 200000 trash
You're grounded!
Collect 200 electric waste
Quand la baie casse
I'm blue!
Collect 50 blueberries
Ça sent le fennec !
Can I burrow it?
Repair the fennecs home
Ça donne la pêche !
Plant 10 peach trees
Toutes oreilles dehors
Earie looks
Help 5 fennecs
Dish it out!
Cook 50 dishes in total
Ah, l'amatié…
Not llame anymore
Befriend 10 llamas
Un peu acide !
That crane is berry tall!
Collect 10 cranberries
En rémission des pêchers
Collect 100 peaches
Cadeau !
Earth's gift
Collect 50 reward seeds from foxes
T'as le melon ?
Water my lawn
Collect 10 watermelons
Fresh sheepment
Befriend a sheep
Pas de bêlises, hein !
Sheep well
Befriend 5 sheep
Une voix chevrotante
Johann Sebastian Baaah!
Befriend a goat
Stick it in!
Collect 10 glue waste
Pot de colle, va !
Sticky situation
Collect 25 glue waste
Impératrice ès plumes
Emperors new feathers
Find every feather in Frozen Peaks
La chèvre-attitude
Goat it!
Befriend 5 goats
It glues so bright!
Collect 50 glue waste
The duckening
Befriend 10 ducks
Alors, on racolle ?
Not so gluemy mood
Collect 100 glue waste
Plumes solitaires
Ma’cawling out for a friend
Find every feather in Lonely Hills
La cane aux œufs d'or
You've got to be pulling my l'egg!
Collect 100 duck eggs
Befriend 15 pigs
Ça m'orange
Re-orange your farm!
Plant and grow 10 orange trees
Sainte Hélaine
Wooling to do it
Collect 10 wool
Cauchemar dans la cuisine
Nightmare's Kitchen
Perform a cooking experiment
Douce meloncolie
No meloncholy
Collect 50 watermelons
Quête du chevalier 3
Knight's Quest 3
Encounter Cornelius 6 times.
Sangliers ou cochons sauvages ?
Sleep sound!
Help 5 boars
Si votre ramure…
My deerest friend
Collect 5 reward seeds from the deer
Au bord d'un lac, une cane
Crank it up!
Collect 50 cranberries
Moi, c'est Olivier
The name's Oliver
Collect 10 olives
Je suis complètement aux fraises !
A berry special person
Collect 200 strawberries
Petits, mais costauds
Little, but enough
Collect 5 reward seeds from fennecs
Du lait, ça ?
Is this milk?
Collect 10 goat milk
Ça devient mécanique
Orange you done?
Collect 100 oranges
Collectionneuse acharnée
A lot of paperwork
Find every feather and complete the album
Coup de cravache
Befriend 10 cows
Ch'est vrai ?
Baahgic: The Goathering
Befriend 10 goats
Collect 200 tomatoes
L'or blanc
White gold
Collect 100 milk
Copain de Tom
Olive by that rule!
Plant and grow 10 olive trees
Bêles bêtes
Befriend 10 sheep
Jar jar bling
Collect 20000 jars
Quelle courge !
Pumpkin it good!
Collect 200 pumpkins
Gruik !
Quite a tusk
Collect 5 reward seeds from boars
Robert plante
Chicken plants
Collect 200 eggplants
Arrête tes salades !
It's a salad story
Collect 200 lettuce
Il y a un rat, sous cette toque ?
Who's that under your hat?
Cook 200 dishes in total
Blues berries
Collect 200 blueberries
Ça envoie du bois !
Deerwin awards
Collect 50 reward seeds from the deer
T'es tèque ou pas tèque ?
Water your melons!?
Collect 200 watermelons
Nerfs en pelote
Wooldn't that be enough?
Collect 100 wool
Do the Ollive!
Collect 100 olives
Hélène la bâtisseuse
Factory oh!
Build 25 stations
Ménager la chèvre et le lait
Goat enough to drink
Collect 100 goat milk
Il y en a encore ?
Collect 200 cranberries
Le cycle de la vie
The recyclinator
Collect 20000 recycled material
Petits avec des grandes oreilles
Big ears, big heart
Collect 50 reward seeds from fennecs
Sanglez-vous bien !
Heavy be the head that boars a crown
Collect 50 reward seeds from boars