
Jun 08, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Péchés capitaux : Avarice
Cardinal sins: Greed
Pick all coins within one level
Dur à Cuire
Die hard
Finish level with critically low health
Sois rapide ou sois mort
Be quick or be dead
Finish any level within 30 seconds. (not counting Push Bonus Level or Stealth Levels)
Jamais deux sans trois
Third time's a charm
Obtain 3 keys in 3 consecutive levels (not counting Push Bonus Level or Stealth Levels)
Péchés capitaux : Luxure
Cardinal sins: Lust
Hide and decimate nearby enemy after getting him close to you
Inutile de résister
Resistance is futile
Defeat boss enemy
Prix de consolation
Consolation prize
Obtain three prizes of the same type in Chest Room
Obtain 25m in bonus level.
Hide and seek
Morph into objects atleast 5 times
Premiers pas
Baby steps
Beat level 10
Beat level defeating all enemies without using decimate attack
Péchés capitaux : Orgueil
Cardinal sins: Pride
Alarm atleast one enemy by standing on camera
Obtain 50m in bonus level.
Péchés capitaux : Gourmandise
Cardinal sins: Gluttony
Gain maximal size
Coup de main
Helping hand
Unlock the "Helper" in your base.
Five guys
Throw 5 enemies
Obtain 15 gold by defeating enemies with throw attack in single level
Qui sera là ?
Who goes there?
Beat Stealth Mode at least once
Obtain 75m in bonus level.
Péchés capitaux : Paresse
Cardinal sins: Sloth
Finish level without killing any oponents within level
La vie commence à 50
Life begins at 50
Beat level 50
Plus de puissance !
More power!
Unlock the "Generator" in your base
Péchés capitaux : Colère
Cardinal sins: Wrath
Defeat 15 enemies in fury mode
Gestion de la colère
Anger management
Obtain most of your fury and go to fever mode within one level
Péchés capitaux : Envie
Cardinal sins: Envy
Change skin
Coup du chapeau
Hat trick
Defeat 3 enemies with three different attacks within one level
Faire d’une pierre deux coups
Two birds with one stone
Take two or more enemies with one bomb attack
Cent et plus
One hundred and counting
Beat level 100
C’est pas sorcier
This ain't rocket surgery
Unlock the "Rocket" in your base
Obtain 10 diamonds by defeating enemies with electrocute attack in single level
Prédateur suprême
Apex predator
Unlock all attacks