
Aug 03, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Trésor perdu
Lost Treasure
Find the Knight’s Shield
Defeat Galactoss
Sail for the first time
Chasse écarlate
The Crimson Hunt
Collect your first bloodstone
Surpuissance !
Powered up!
Power up your weapon or spell with a Power Shard
En route pour Arcadie
Arcadian Roadtrip
Make your way to the White City
Souvenirs de Sernoa
My Time in Sernoa
100% Sernoa Region
Ensemble parfait
Perfect Set
Collect all Gear
Arne, mon amour
Arne of My Youth
100% the Valley of the Warden Region
Trésor perdu des Owrus
Lost Treasure of Owrus
Find the Owrus’ treasure
Aventure forestière
Jungle Adventure
Make your way to the Owru Sacred Grounds
Collectionneur écarlate
Crimson Collector
Collect all bloodstones
Plumes ardentes
Burning Feathers
Defeat the Mighty Bird of Pirta
Wield the Shield of Chronos V1.
Fly an airship for the first time
Arcadie ne dort jamais
Sleepless in Arcadia
100% the White City Region
Pirta à découvert
Pirta Uncovered
100% Pirta Region
Trésor perdu des Branchiens
Lost Treasure of Gillfolk
Find the Gillfolk’s treasure
Plein potentiel
Full Potential
Collect all Power Shards
Croisade tropicale
Tropical Crusade
Make your way to Ootheca
Chevaliers mystiques
Mystic Knights
Find all Mysterious Daggers.
Grand inducteur
Great Inductor
Defeat the Mighty Turtle of Submeria
Chasseur de prime
Bounty Hunter
Defeat all escaped prisoners.
La tour noire
The Dark Tower
Make your way to the top of Riskbourne Citadel
Ultima Thulé
Ultima Thule
Make your way to Source
Dessous de Submeria
Submeria High and Low
100% Submeria Region
Cheater of Death
Defeat Mesmeroth
Secrets de Source
Secrets of Source
100% Source Region
Forge extragaïenne
Forged from Meteor
Wield the Astroblade
Néant des Terres reculées
Emptiness of Outlands
100% Outlands Region
Le témoin
The Witness
Witness the destruction of the White City
Monstre des mers inconnues
Monster of Uncharted Seas
Defeat Oceanhorn
Sacrée vue
Quite a view
Discover all overlooks.
100% all regions.