
Nov 30, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Relique débloquée
Unlocked Relic
Spend your unlock points first time.
Sanctuaire personnel
Personal Sanctuary
Customize one of your table first time.
Parmi les plus sadiques
Highest Among the Highest
Earn your first High Score!
Premier badge
Worthy Badge
Unlock your first mastery level!
Rite de passage
Rite of Passage
Play your first challenge in the Daily Challenges game mode.
Terrible voyage
Terrible Journey
Complete your first campaign mission.
Une bonne journée
Done for Today
Spend all of your available attempts in the Daily Challenges.
Post a score in a tournament!
Sombres prix
Dark Prizes
Unlock 3 different campaign rewards on any table!
Froid extrême
Hundred below
Start the Whiteout side mode on the Thing Pinball.
Cauchemar personnalisé
Your Own Nightmare
Create your own Tournament.
Sinistres défis
Grim Challenger
Play 3 different challenges of any table!
Bonus monstrueux
Monster Power
Level up your powerups in a total 20 times.
Profil aménagé
Profile Outfitted
Customize all slots of your profile banner.
Saison des pièges
Trap Season
Hit a trapped Survivor on the Dead by Daylight™ Pinball table.
Bonus surpuissant
Power Overwhelming
Level up any powerup on any table to level 10!
Joueur macabre
Gruesome Ball Handler
Achieve 25 skillshots.
Zéros infernaux
Wicked Zeroes
Earn 1,000,000,000 scores combined on the tables!
Maîtrise élevée
High Level Mastery
Reach maximum level from a mastery!
À moitié dans les ombres
Half Way to Darkness
Reach level 50.
Les 9 cauchemars
The Nine Nightmare
Play every challenge on the same table in singleplayer mode!
Cette Chose voulait être nous
That Thing wanted to be us
Play the Assimilation Video Mode on the Thing Pinball.
Damnation éternelle
Path of Damnation
Reach level 100.
Son Arrivée
The Arrival of It
Complete the ultimate test on the Wrath of the Elder Gods table.
Fan de crânes
Skull Collector
Earn all skulls from a campaign.
Spotlight de tournoi
Tournament Spotter
Highlight a tournament with your spotlight!
Slasher flipper
Table Slasher
Unlock 25 table mastery levels.
Maître des jets de compétence
Skill Check Master
Pass 5 Skill Checks in a row on the Dead by Daylight™ Pinball table.
Badges d'honneur
Honored Badges
Equip 3 level 5 mastery badges at the same time.
Attention la tête !
Heads up!
Decapitate Chucky in the wizard mode of the Chucky's Killer Pinball table.
Petite victoire
Little Victory
Win a tournament game with at least 10 players.
As des reliques
Relic Master
Unlock 50 different banner customization.
Nouveau repaire
Lair Expanded
Unlock all play corner and table customization item of a same table!
L'homme est une belle cachette
Man is the warmest place to hide
Complete the Wizard mode on the Thing Pinball.
Talent obscur
Talented Know-how
Unlock 35 Pinball Mastery levels in total!
Pouvoir absolu
Unleashed Power
Max out all the powerups on the same table!
Je serai ton ami pour toujours
I'm your friend to the end
Be a perfect Good Guy in the Dolls mode of the Chucky's Killer Pinball table.
Chute de palette
Drop the Pallet for at least 1 million points on the Dead by Daylight™ Pinball table.
Au défi
Unlock 25 daily challenges mastery levels.
Le tueur le plus célèbre
Most notorious slasher
Stab Chucky in the Slasher Multiball mode of the Chucky's Killer Pinball table.
Tournoi tourmenté
Tournament Tormenter
Unlock 25 tournament mastery levels.
Action démentielle
Asskicker action
Start "Ready for Action" with 6 balls and hold it for at least 2 minutes on Duke Nukem's Big Shot Pinball.
Un bon strip
Strippers' favorite
Start "Shake it, baby!" at least 5 times and get a super jackpot on Duke Nukem's Big Shot Pinball!
Gather all weapons and use each one to execute the first 4 bosses on Duke Nukem's Big Shot Pinball!
Nous sommes tous fous ici
We are all mad here
Go fully mad on the Wrath of the Elder Gods table.
Combinaison extravagante
Extravagant Combination
Equip Queen of Spades and Sunset Portal on your banner at the same time.
Tueur de Rejetons
Kill 10 real Spawns on the Wrath of the Elder Gods table.