In our Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides, we'll reveal the complete walkthrough , tips, side-quests and locations of all the Pokémon in the game.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's open-world adventure is made up of three major quests, which you can complete at your own pace and in any order you like.
- Main story
- Victory Road
- Path of Legends
- Starfall Street

The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
Guides to Pokémon Scarlet / Violet's The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLCs. Find out all about the story behind this expansion, including Pokémon, TCs, new attacks and new game mechanics.

La carte de Paldea
The Paldea region is an open area you can explore freely with your Pokémon, where you'll find Ominous Stakes, items and Technical Machines in the wild, as well as Gimmighoul's various locations.
- List of locations
- Map Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
- Day and night cycle
- The weather

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has 400 Pokémon in the Paldea Pokédex, including the new 9th generation Pokémon. Pokémon not included in the Pokédex can also be captured.
- Pokédex of Paldea
- Pokémon outside Pokédex
- Pokédex rewards
- Pokémon type table
- How to choose your Starter?
- Exchange codes for exclusive Pokémon and starters
- How to capture all legendary Pokémon
- How to capture the three starters?
- How to evolve Gimmighoul ?
- The Terastal Phenomenon
- How to improve a Pokémon?

If you'd like to start Shiny hunting Pokémon, here are our guides to help you capture them all.
- How to get Shiny Pokémons ?
- The Masuda method
- Where can I find a foreign Ditto?

- How do you unlock5, 6 and 7-star Raids?
- Pokémon list for 6-star raids

- List of items
- List of TMs
- Evolving objects
- Poké Balls

Sandwiches and recipes
- List of ingredients
- List of recipes

What's new?
- The new ability of 9G
- Differences between the Scarlet and Violet versions