
Jul 31, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Temps pour
obtenir 100%
Nombre de
Difficulté Nombre de
25h 1 5/10 66 0

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward has no achievements that can be missed. A few bugs exist and should be fixed, but take care to make several saves regularly. It's not possible to lose in the game, all your opponents will be able to be challenged as long as you can't beat them.

Quel rêve étrange...
Such a strange dream…
So far, only one thing is clear - you need to find the father.
Votre premier combat
Your first fight
Better not to remember how bad your arms shook.
Puce SBC
Good Person Chip
Can this device read my thoughts?
Première victoire
First winning
You feel adrenaline in your veins.
Premier boulot
Your first job
Now you can see that getting a job isn't that hard, right?
Première défaite
First defeat
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger…
Neuro-entraînement trop dément
Neurotrainer – power gainer!
Who said the gym doesn’t require brain, huh!?
Visiteur dépressif
Depressed visitor
You met K. He seems mysterious a little.
Employé de la semaine
Employee of the week
Get your first promotion at work. Keep going!
Fan de vieux films
Old movies enjoyer
There’s something marvelous in those VHS films.
Pro du fitness
Fitness professional
Achieve any stat to 5 value.
Gymnase amateur
Your own amateur gym
You can be proud with your first bought trainer.
Cours K, cours !
Run K, run!
Hello world !
Hello, world!
You have installed your first software!
Calmer la brute
No bullying more
You taught some manners to that guy.
Bonbons intrigants
Intriguing candies
These candies help your mom to sleep. What a smell…
La baston, c'est cool
Fighting is cool
You won 10 times. You are getting better and better in this.
Petit hacker
Little hacker
Even such a good infrastructure has bad backdoors…
Employé du mois
Employee of the month
You have achieved serious success in your work! Keep up the good work!
Un pote de votre père ?
Pal of your father?
L'esprit du passé
Spirit of the past
À ma façon
Your own way
Now you fight your own way.
Pro de l'entraînement
Workout professional
Achieve any stat to 15 value.
Étudiant en droit
Law student
Employé de l'année
Employee of the year
Become the most valuable employee. What to do next?
Combattre pour vivre
Fight for life
You won 25 times. You can't imagine yourself without fighting.
C'est bon d'être vivant
It's good to be alive
Champion - Guide du débutant
Champion – starter pack
Quatre murs à soi
Own four walls
Now you have your own place to live, no mom disturbing anymore!
Neuro-entraînement extrême !
Extreme neuropower!
Be careful, excessive extreme neurotraining intake damages your brain.
Livreur officiel
Legal courier
You have defended your right to be a legal courier
Vous êtes valeureux
Now you are worthy
Gros ennuis évités
Escaped from a big trouble
You helped that poor guy, he is your student now.
Pas de lames dans le gymnase
No blades in the gym
You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better now at paperwork.
Sur la bonne voie
Guiding on the right path
You have inspired a young one, he is your student now.
La voix mystérieuse
Mysterious voice
Vivre pour combattre
Fight is life
You won 50 times. You've devoted your entire life to fighting.
Dégage de chez moi !
Get out of my apartment!
You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better now in patrol.
Approche responsable
Responsible approach
You have convinced a doubting one, he is your student now.
Maman est malade
Deal with life
Habitants des profondeurs
Underground dwellers
Maman va mieux
Mom got better
Le dé est lancé
The die is cast
Le dernier gong
The last bell ring
You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better in relationship from colleagues.
Champion - Toujours plus haut
Champion – no way back
Pro de la gym
GYM professional
Achieve any stat to 30 value.
Chasseur de coquillages
Seashell hunter
You have found all the lost shells. Apu is happy.
Dompteur de gang
Gang wrangler
You proved you're not to be messed with.
Combattant empoisonné
Poisoned fighter
It's your lucky day that you're not him.
Tout le monde peut résister
Anyone can resist
Problèmes de cyborgs
Problems of cyborgs
Your leather fist is stronger than his metal things.
Robot infiltré
Undercover robot
Piège désamorcé
Trap disarmed
You finally put an end to all the unpleasant brutality. The city is saved!
Champion absolu !
Absolute Champion!
C'est du naturel
Keep nature safe
La famille d'abord
Family comes first
Pas si petit hacker
Not little hacker
You don't know how it happened, but somehow you deal with things like that.
Souvenirs clés
Key memories
La longue route solitaire
The lonesome road
Le cœur de la Résistance
The heart of the Resistance
Un autre monde
Another world
Le passé de Silver
Silver’s past
Mieux vaut cuisiner à la maison
Better cooking at home
La seule bonne décision
The only right decision