
Sep 22, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Déjà vainqueur
Already a Winner
Win one mission
Pas une science exacte
It's Not Rocket Surgery
Upgrade one part in the Workshop
Au nom du progrès
In the Name of Progress
Reach level 5
Ramène-nous à la maison
Take Us Home
Be the first to call for evac in a multiplayer game
Gentil robot
Good Robot
Earn any badge in a multiplayer game
Brûlé au 100e degré
Boiler Blast Victim
Die from a boilee explosion
Victoire juteuse
A Juicy Victory
Defeat Juicy Joe
Mécanicien de terrain
Field Mechanic
Resurrect allies 15 times in multiplayer games
Defeat Le Kraque
Allez, tes fringues, tes bottes et ta moto.
I Need Your Clothes, Boots, and Motorcycle
Complete one mission on Tough as Nails difficulty
Rampart à l'invasion
Invasion Stopper
Complete all missions with 3 stars on Just Right or higher
Œuvre d'art
State of the Art
Unlock all parts
Le meilleur des robots
Bestest Robot
Earn an MVP badge in a multiplayer game
Douce était la nuit
Gently Into The Night
Les cent premiers
First Hundred
Dispatch 100 enemies
No Sweat
Complete a mission without any player dying on Challenging or higher difficulty
J'en ai plein de pas de vis, je rentre.
Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home
Briseur d'équipe
Union Buster
Dismantle 15 foremen
Pas touche
Can't Touch This
Complete a mission without taking any damage at all