
Nov 28, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Fierté de Frer
Make Frer Proud
Catch 1 fish
Fierté d'Igrork
Make Igrork Proud
Discover 1 plant
Première étincelle
The First Spark
Complete 1 Idea
Aliments durables
Lasting Food
Process 1 product
Des glyptodons dans tous les coins
A Glyptodon Gathering
Complete the glyptodons cave challenge
Nouvelle tête
A Person Of Note
Gain 1000 Contribution
Doigt vert
Green Thumb
Get to level 2 knowledge of any plant
Petit petit !
Animal Friend
Tame 1 animal
L'eau à la bouche
Delightful Dish
Cook 1 dish
Une hutte à soi
Your Place In The World
Build your own house
Vol au-dessus d'un nid de hiboux
A Wise Flight
Complete Owl's cave challenge
Boule de poils
Fur Friend
Have a pet
Mystères élucidés
Uncover The Mysteries
Raise the pyramid once
Fierté d'Inza
Make Inza Proud
Catch 10 fish
Feu de joie
A Bonfire
Complete 10 Ideas
Fierté d'Ada
Make Ada Proud
Discover 12 plants
Ça va swinguer
Start The Party
Dance with one NPC
Mécène en devenir
A Passing Tale
Gain 10000 Contribution
Réserves replètes
Meals Until Next Season
Process 10 different types of products
Travaux d'intérieur
Your Bigger Place In The World
Upgrade your house once
Une plateforme après l'autre
Playing With Platforms
Complete Monkey's cave challenge
Breloques immémoriales
An Ancient Bond
Harness the full power of jewelry
Mets savoureux
Chef Of The Ages
Cook 10 dishes
Réserve naturelle
Animal Hangout
Tame 10 animals
Au cœur de l'inconnu
Navigate The Unknown
Raise the pyramid twice
Premiers liens
A Friend Indeed
Gain 5 flowers with one NPC
Main verte
Green Hand
Get to level 5 knowledge of any plant
Énigmes écrasantes
Crushing Riddles
Complete Bear's cave challenge
Petit palace
Your Big Place In The World
Fully upgrade your house
Quête de sens
Investigate The Meaning
Raise the pyramid three times
Rite de passage totémique
Totem Rite Of Passage
Complete the final cave challenge
Âme respectable
Stories Will Be Told
Gain 100000 Contribution
Amitié pour la vie
Besties For Life
Gain 10 flowers with one NPC
Grandes idées
Great Ideas
Produce 1 of every product type
Illumination intégrale
Light the way
Complete all Ideas
Questionnements existentiels
Think A Little Deeper
Raise the pyramid four times
Guides ancestraux
Ancestral Guides
Make your mark in all dark rooms
Savoirs précieux
Explore The Lessons
Fully raise the pyramid
Vie de famille
Form a union and have a baby
Fierté du clan
Make The Clan Proud
Discover all plants
Arche de Pacha
Animal Herd
Tame 30 animals
Amitié précieuse
A Rare Friend
Tame a rare animal
Hôte de marque
House Guest
Social Butterfly
Gain 5 flowers with one NPC of each clan
Petit prodige
Best In Show
Breed an animal to max stats
Démon de minuit
Party Animal
Dance with all NPCs
Amitié légendaire
Legend Of The Land
Tame a legendary animal
Pleine lune
Howling Good Time
Culinary Innovator
Cook all dishes
Talk Of The Town
Gain 10 flowers with one NPC from each clan
Légende immortelle
A Legend Of Old
Gain 1000000 Contribution
Fierté de Tetih
Make Tetih Proud
Catch all fish
Bras vert
Green Arm
Get to level 5 knowledge for all plants