
Oct 03, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Visite de la Ville oubliée
Forgotten Town Tour
Registered all monsters from the First Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Démon de la cueillette
Foraging Fiend
Found 100 items.
Arsenal improvisé
Improvised Weaponry
Defeated 3 monsters using items from the Abyss.
D'un seul coup
One Fell Swoop
Defeated 60 monsters using items from the Abyss.
Analyste de monstre
Monster Analyst
Registered a monster in the Monster Encyclopedia for the first time.
Une vie à vivre
One Life to Live
Used up all recovery items for any character before returning to Base Camp.
Repas complet
Full Course Meal
Entered a dungeon with a full set of dishes.
Test de courage
Test of Courage
Undertook a Blackstone Statue Trial for the first time.
Loup solitaire
Lone Wolf
Cleared 1 Layer without switching heroes.
La bénédiction
The Blessing
Returned via a crystal for the first time.
Mon tour
My Turn
Switched heroes for the first time.
Trials and Tribulations
Cleared 15 Blackstone Statue Trials.
Tried and True
Cleared 30 Blackstone Statue Trials.
Ce n'est que le début
Just Getting Started
Reached Level 10 with any character.
Instinct de survie
Survival Instincts
Found an item for the first time.
Maintenant !
Defeated a monster for the first time using items from the Abyss.
Astucieux charognard
Savvy Scavenger
Found 50 items.
C'est quoi, là-bas ?
What's Over There?
Cleared a blocked path for the first time.
Recherches avancées
Searching High and Low
Cleared 15 blocked paths.
Une quête du Grand cristal
A Quest From the Great Crystal
Cleared a mission for the first time.
Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
What's This?
Read a stele for the first time.
Dette remboursée
A Debt Repaid
Defeated the Crooked Crab for the first time.
Étoile montante
Rising Star
Defeated the Incognitroll for the first time.
Un beau succès
A Fluff Achievement
Pet a cow.
Entraînement à la perfection
Practice Makes Perfect
Tried out a weapon on the training dummy for the first time.
Naissance d'une légende
Birth of a Legend
Obtained equipment of the highest rarity for the first time.
Impossible d'arrêter
Can't Stop Now
Defeated a chain of 30 monsters.
Line 'Em Up
Defeated a chain of 10 monsters.
Visite du Festival du désespoir
Festival of Sorrow Tour
Registered all monsters from the Second Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Piégeur expert
Expert Trapper
Defeated 300 monsters using items from the Abyss.
Cleared 30 blocked paths.
Reached Level 25 with any character.
Un credo à suivre
Words to Live By
Completed the main story.
Tout puissant
All Powerful
Reached max level with every character.
Hear Me
Defeated the King of Malice for the first time.
Breaking the Ice
Defeated the Lady Snowmancer for the first time.
Une voix dans les cieux
A Voice From the Heavens
Listened to all of the Princess's narration.
Engrenage ex machina
Cog in the Machine
Defeated the Mecha Sergeant for the first time.
Apaiser le vent acéré
Quell the Scorching Wind
Defeated the Cattiegryph for the first time.
Vers l'Abîme
To the Abyss
Defeated Primitivus and returned to Base Camp.
Outils de la terre
Lay of the Land
Defeated 500 monsters using items from the Abyss.
Cœur de malveillance
The Heart of Malice
Defeated Primitivus for the first time.
Une voix du passé
A Voice From the Past
Read all the steles.
Le héros ultime
Born to Be a Hero
Reached Level 50 with any character.
Puissance déchaînée
Power Unleashed
Defeated a Shade for the first time.
Visite du Monde gelé
Frozen World Tour
Registered all monsters from the Third Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Héros ultime
The Ultimate Hero
Reached Level 100 with any character.
Motivation sans faille
Cleared 100 missions.
Visite du Désert enflammé
Burning Wasteland Tour
Registered all monsters from the Fourth Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Une voix dans les profondeurs
A Voice From the Depths
Listened to all of Primitivus' narration.
Écrasement sans fin
Knock 'Em Down
Defeated a chain of 50 monsters.
Le pouvoir de l'amitié
The Power of Friendship
Used no dishes and received a buff from every other character during a single expedition.
Visite du Château décrépit
Dying Castle Tour
Registered all monsters from the Fifth Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Synchro parfaite
Perfect Sync
Unlocked a class with each hero.
Le potentiel maximal
Your Full Potential
Learned 6 types of skills with all 7 heroes.
Atelier utile
Getting Crafty
Reached max Workshop work level.
Entraînement terminé
Training Complete
Unlocked all class skills.
Une Ombre du passé
A Shadow of Your Former Self
Unlocked every class for each hero.
Lois de la nature
Laws of Nature
Reached max Atelier work level.
Collecte des Ombres
Gathering Shadows
Defeated all Shades for the first time.
Saisons silencieuses
Silent Seasons
Reached max Ranch and Farm work levels.
Un pas vers la guérison
A Step Toward Recovery
Reached max work level for all facilities.
Héros légendaire
Legendary Hero
Defeated all bosses on Master mode.
Professionnel expérimenté
A Seasoned Professional
Defeated all bosses on Hard mode.
Visite de la Forêt abyssale
Abyssal Forest Tour
Registered all monsters from the Sixth Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
On l'a fait !
We Did It!
Expert de monstre
Monster Expert
Registered all monsters in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Visite du Nadir
The Nadir Tour
Registered all monsters from the Seventh Layer in the Monster Encyclopedia.
Relever tous les défis
No Challenge Too Great
Cleared all missions.