
Oct 19, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Respectez vos aînés
Respect Your Elders
Talk to the Elder
The Herbalist
Collect Each Plant in the Game
Grand artisan
Master Craftsmen
Get Crafting level 5
Get Foraging level 5
Île de la Montagne du Sanglier
Boar Mountain island
Visit Boar Mountain island
Île du Marais d'or
The Golden Swamp island
Visit The Golden Swamp island
Île des Falaises escarpées
Sharp Cliffs island
Visit Sharp Cliffs island
Vive la pioche
Rocks, Stones and Hard Work
Get Mining level 5
Île des Ruines éternelles
Forever Ruins island
Visit Forever Ruins island
Île de l'Œil de golem
Golem Eye island
Visit Golem Eye island
The Combatant
Get Combat level 5
Amateur de donjons
Dungeon Crawler
Find All Caves
Île de Blue Shell
Blue Shell beach
Visit Blue Shell beach
The Engineer
Get Electronics level 5
Longue vie au Roi
Long Live The King
Defeat the Pirate Boss
Île des Falaises de sable
Sand Cliffs island
Visit Sand Cliffs island
Île des Roches grises
Grey Rocks island
Visit Grey Rocks island
Île de la Vallée verte
Green Valley island
Visit Green Valley island
Get Exploration level 5
Île des Six
The Island of Six
Île de l'Allée de bois
Wood Alley island
Visit Wood Alley island
Travail acharné
The Workhorse
Get Farming level 5
Yacht club
Sometimes Bigger is Better
Buy a Luxury boat
Grand Chef
Best Chef
Get Cooking level 5
Build Every Building
La clé vers votre passé
The Key to Your Past
Mon doux foyer
Home, Sweet Home
Upgrade your house to level 3
Un voyage autour du monde
A Journey Around the World
Visit All Islands
Bonjour tout le monde !
Everyone is Here!
Meet All NPCs
Animal social
The Persuader
Get Social level 5
Seigneur des pêcheurs
Master Fisher
Get Fishing level 5
Le temps passe vite
Time Sure Flies!
Live on Your Island for a Year
Deux valent mieux qu'un
Two is Better than One
Fix the abandoned house
Chasse au trésor
Treasure Hunter
Find 50 Treasures
Connaître son passé
To Know Your Past
Finish the main Story
Earn a total of 1 million credits
Jack of All Trades
Get all skills to level 5
Hire 15 tourists
Chasseur de monstres
Monster Hunter
C'était donc là !
So it Was There!
Pouces verts
A Farm to Rule Them All
Plant All Types of Crops
Marcher, ça fatigue
Why Walk?
Build all the vehicles
The Historian
Collect all treasures in the Museum
Beau parleur
Smooth Talker
Max Out the Relationship with All NPCs
Catch All Types of Fish
Vie active
Busy Life
Carton plein !
You Did It!
Unlock All Achievements
Le Créateur
The Creator
Craft EVERY Item in Game
Collect All Types of Insects