Rose Town

In this Super Mario RPG Walkthrough, you'll find the complete guide to completing Rose Town with all the secret chests and side quests.
Once you've completed the Rose Way, head for the town of Rose Town to discover the mystery of this area, where some NPCs will be trapped;
First, go to the top right-hand corner of the town. Climb the wooden crates to enter the fireplace. You'll then be able to open a chest containing 1x Flower.
Now jump onto the shelf at the top left of the area, then jump into the void to reveal a secret chest containing 1x Frog Coin.
Talk to the merchant who allows you to upgrade your equipment. You could buy a Thick Shirt for Mario and a Thick Pants for Mallow. If you have enough money, buy a Fearless Pin which will be very useful against the next enemies you encounter.
Leave the Item Shop and head for the top left of Rosw Town. Jump on the Toad under the house to reach the building entrance.
Enter to open the chest containing 2x Flowers and climb the stairs. Jumping onto the bed will reveal a chest containing 1x Frog Coin.
Jump on the green switch on the floor and exit the house. There will now be a staircase outside.
Return to the house to speak with Toad, who will give you the code: Left, Left, Right, Right. Now enter the inn at the bottom left of Rose Town village to start a cinematic.
You'll meet Toabie and a puppet named "Geno". Once you've spent the night at the hotel, leave town for the "Forest Maze".