
Oct 10, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Charge the Break Gauge to full.
Qu'est-ce qui brille ?
What's this Sparkle?
Discover a luminous object.
La fille du Monde céleste
Girl From the Heavens
Clear Chapter 1.
Admirez les compétences d'épée !
This Is What Sword Skills Can Do!
Finish an enemy with a Sword Skill.
Increase any character's affinity.
Donne-toi à fond
Gimme All You Got
Defeated a powerful beast.
Give a Nice!
Pour un ami
For a Friend
Clear a quest that appeared in the field.
Tous ensemble !
Let's Go Together!
Use an Ally Skill.
En parfaite harmonie
In Perfect Harmony
Reach max combo level.
La première étape
The First Step
Learn or enhance a Skill.
Un coup de main
Helping Hand
Clear a quest from someone in the city.
Revoir les bases
Laying the Foundation
Clear the basic tutorial.
Par la seule volonté
Sheer Will
Finish off a foe with Finish Arts.
Je ne laisse rien passer
Nothing Gets Through Me
Perform a Perfect Guard.
Nouvelle aventure
New Adventure
Clear Chapter 2.
Braver la tempête
Braving the Storm
Clear a Disaster Quest.
En chasse
On the Hunt
Clear a Hunting Quest.
Pro du shopping
Expert Shopper
Buy a Rare Find.
Le pays des ténèbres sans fin
Land of Everlasting Darkness
Clear Chapter 3.
L'art de la guerre
The Art of War
Customize a Tactical Art.
La route vers la paix
The Road to Peace
Clear Chapter 4.
Quand sonne le glas
The Death Bell Knells
Clear Chapter 5.
Que le sang inonde ces terres
Let Blood Stain the Land
Clear Chapter 6.
Une guerre d'un autre monde
Otherworld War
Clear Chapter 7.
Pour qui on chante le requiem
For Whom the Requiem Is Sung
Clear Chapter 8.
Eat a cooked meal.
Avec toi
With You
Raise a character's affinity level to max.
Chevaliers des trois mondes
Knights of the Three Worlds
Clear Chapter 9.
Les liens qui unissent
Threads that Bind
Obtain a reward outfit.
L'aube du monde
World's Dawn
Clear the final chapter.
Lumière et ténèbres
Light and Dark
Clear Chapter 10.
Frappe résonnante
Resonant Strike
Finish off a foe with Unison Arts.
Accessoire légendaire
Legendary Accessory
Obtain a legendary accessory.
La lame déicide
The Blade That Can Fell Gods
Defeat a Divine Beast.
Héros pro
Pro Hero
Raise Kirito's Rank to 50.
Arme légendaire
Legendary Weapon
Obtain a legendary weapon.
Armure légendaire
Legendary Armor
Obtain legendary armor.
Jusqu'aux extrêmes
Going to Extremes
Fully learn and enhance a Skill Tree.
La compétence d'épée perdue
The Lost Sword Skill
Learn the ultimate secret technique.
Au sommet
At the Top
Learn and enhance all Skills.
Lame des fléaux
Blade of Calamities
Clear all Sacred Disaster Quests.
Souvenirs de l'âme
Recollections of the Soul
Complete 100% of the gallery.
Last Recollection
Last Recollection
Unlocked all achievements.