
Mar 04, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
La Bête des bois
Beast of the Woods
Defeat the Racoon Moose.
Inébranlable détermination
Unbreakable Resolve
Win a battle with one heart remaining.
Briseur d'hypnose
Hypnosis Breaker
Defeat the Hypnozard.
Sans limite
Perform an Infinite Combo.
Succès critique
Critical Success
Win a battle in a single turn.
Heure du thé éthérée
Ethereal Tea-Time
Defeat the Teapot Hydra.
Surmonter l'épreuve
Enduring the Trial
Tamarak Trail saved, yet corruption's lingering presence remains felt.
Source de la corruption
Corruption's Source
Defeat the Source.
Affaire classée
Case Closed
Beat the game with the Detective.
Collectionneur de cœurs
Core Collector
Unlock all Die Cores
Curtain Call
Beat the game with the Magician.
Splendeur de l'esturgeon
Sturgeon's Splendor
Unlock all upgrades in the Sturgeon Lodge
Chasse terminée
Hunt Complete
Beat the game with the Tracker.
Maîtrise des dés
Dice Mastery
Unlock all Dice Sides.
Fin du Sentier
Trail's End
Tamarak Trail saved, corruption cleansed, revealing true triumph.