
Aug 01, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Souffle sur le brouillard épais
Blow Away The Thick Fog
Clear the thick fog in the Village of All Beginnings.
Le vieil homme sage de 100 ans
The 100 Year Old Wise Man
Learn about the Evil Pigs and get the 100 Year Old Key.
Langue naine pour débutant
Beginner's Dwarf Language
Learn to speak the dwarf language.
Grenouille amie
Frog Friend
Bring back the frog to the Ol' Pond.
Filer comme un animal
Animal Dash
Get the Animal Dash ability from Charles.
Sept nains disparus
Seven Missing Dwarfs
Save all 7 missing dwarves.
Use the mushroom to show the dwarf your laughter in Mushroom Forest.
Use the mushroom to show the dwarf your pout in Mushroom Forest.
Combattant du feu
Fire Fighter
Reach level 10 with red experience.
Capture le Fire Pig
Capture The Fire Pig
Capture The Fire Pig.
À vos marques, prêts, partez!
Ready, Set, Go!
Beat the thief to the top of the Watch Tower.
Sois comme l'eau, mon ami
Be Like Water, My Friend
Get the Swim ability from Charles.
Renaissance du phénix
Rise (and Shine) of the Phoenix
Ride the Phoenix to the Masakari Jungle.
Capture le Ghost Pig
Capture the Ghost Pig
Capture the Ghost Pig.
Capture le Storm Pig
Capture the Storm Pig
Capture the Storm Pig.
Marcheur du vent
Wind Walker
Reach level 10 with green experience.
Capture le Mouse Pig
Capture the Mouse Pig
Capture the Mouse Pig.
Monde civilisé
Civilized World
Restore power to The Village of Civilization.
Bleu profond
Deep Blue
Get the Dive ability from the mermaid.
Danceur de l'eau
Water Dancer
Reach level 10 with blue experience.
Pouce vert
Green Thumb
Step on every Pump Rock to prevent the Ol' Tree from dying.
Capture le Forest Pig
Capture the Forest Pig
Capture the Forest Pig.
Leçon de maths
Math Lessons
Find all the 10 Math Beads hidden in the water of Trick Village.
Capture le Jungle Pig
Capture the Jungle Pig
Capture the Jungle Pig.
Capture le Water Pig
Capture the Water Pig
Capture the Water Pig.
Champion de médaille d'or
Gold Medal Champ
Get the gold medal on the Motocross Course.
Tissus en lambeaus
Shred Threads
Get the 4 pants.
5 items dorés
5 Golden Items
Get the 5 Golden Items
Capture le Real Evil Pig
Capture the Real Evil Pig
Capture the Real Evil Pig.
Soirée mouvementée
Eventful Evening
Clear all 130 in-game events.
Les neufs vies du chat
Cat's Nine Lives
Get maximum obtainable health bars.