
Nov 30, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Pickup 100 Life Forces
Soldat du mois
Soldier of the month
Defeat Xiphias
Civil de la semaine
Civilian of the week
Defeat the Oblivion Gunship
Maître archer
Master Archer
Kill 30 enemies with regular arrows
Derrière toi !
Watch your back
Shoot the oxygen canister on the back of a Lost One
Kill an enemy with an explosion from a fire extinguisher
Technicien de l’année
Technician of the year
Defeat Opisthor
Ça sent le brulé
It smells burnt
Defeat the Warlord
Cœur de feu
Heart of Fire
Defeat the Alpha Fireborn
Le plus grand sauveur de tous les temps
Savior of all times
Defeat Oblivion
Donnez-lui un coup de main !
Give the man a hand!
Blow off 300 limbs
Porteur de la lumière
Wielder of the light
Beat the game on any difficulty
Se salir les mains
Get your hands dirty
Kill 25 enemies with melee weapons
La femme porta le fardeau
The Woman Bore the Burden
Beat the game with Danielle
Il parait que ces trucs sont tranchants
I hear these things are sharp
Kill 2 enemies at once with the Razor Wind
Mission accomplie
Mission Accomplished
Destroy the Oblivion Refineries
Générateur de singularité personnelle
Personal Singularity Generator
Collect all the PSG Parts
Le garçon porta le fardeau
The Boy Bore the Burden
Beat the game with Joseph
Chasseur de dinosaure
Dinosaur Hunter
Kill 30 Raptors
Force explosive !
Explosive Force!
Kill 150 enemies with explosive weapons
Mal de crâne
Oh no, my brains…
Drill into the brains of 20 enemies
Grillé à souhait
Extra Crispy
Set 30 enemies on fire with the Fireswarm shotgun
Aspiré dans un bagel
Sucked into a Bagel
Kill 4 enemies at once with the PSG
Chasseur de trésor
Treasure Hunter
Find 3 secret areas
Arrête de te faire du mal
Stop hitting yourself
Take possession of an enemy and kill them using the environment
S’aérer l’esprit
Grey matter a-go-go
Kill 30 enemies by blowing off their heads using the Sniper Rifle
Complete the game with any character in under 1 hour and 20 minutes
Soif de sang
Blood thirsty
Drain 200 Health with the Vampire Gun
Il faut savoir rebondir
Shocking... Positively Shocking
Kill 10 enemies by bouncing a shot from the Shredder
Clever girl
Ombre d’Oblivion
Shadow of Oblivion
Beat the game on Hard difficulty
Oblivion est proche !
Oblivion is at hand!
Beat the game on Oblivion difficulty
L’esprit de Turok
Spirit of Turok
Pickup 500 Life Forces
Trois en un
Triple Kill
Kill 3 enemies at once with the Napalm Cannon
Chevalier coyote
Coyote Knight