
Aug 17, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Temper a Weapon 1 Time
Déjà vu
Déjà vu
Acquire 100k Memory Echoes
Manipulation du Gloom
Manipulating the Gloom
Complete a Mutated run of a Lost Zone
Aurelian perdu
Aurelian Lost
Complete Codex Halls Expedition
Comme une soupe
Temper Tantrum
Fully Temper a Weapon
Armes légendaires
Legendary Arms
Craft a Weapon
Trouver le chemin
Finding the Path
Complete a Hunt
Après la Chute
After the Fall
Complete the Main Story Quest: 'Eyes to See'
Born Anew
Summon a Wayfinder
Développement personnel
Self Improvement
Upgrade an Ability
Doux foyer
No Place Like Home
Unlock your Apartment
C'est ton desteint
Dye Hard
Apply a dye 10 times
Sans limites
Spend 30 Affinity Points
Arme de légende
Weapon of Legend
Reach Level 30 with a Weapon
Corps expéditionnaire
Expeditionary Force
Complete 10 Lost Zones
Vestige de champion
Champion's Vestige
Craft an Accessory
Mauvais présages
Bad Omens
Complete the Main Story Quest: 'Bad Omens'
Je te survivrai
I Will Survive
Reach Level 30 with a Survivalist
Power House
Reach a Power Level of 2500
Kindling Light
Light all Highlands Signal Fires
Parcourir le chemin
Walking the Path
Complete 50 Hunts
Heureux événement
Well, That was Eventful...
Complete 1000 Events
Pourfendeur d’Ancres
Anchor Slayer
Complete 100 Lost Zones
Beat the House
Win the Max Prize in the Trickster Bar Event
Guerrier dimensionnel
Dimensional Warrior
Chasseur chassé
Hunting the Hunter
Complete the Huntmaster's Questline: 'Scavenger Hunt'
Chant du cygne
Swan Song
Complete Kestrel's Questline: 'The Final Score'
Meurtre à Boisprofond
A Murder in Deepwood
Complete the Deepwood Holt Questline: 'The Greater Good'
Dernier des Boisins
Last of the Woodwen
Complete Unar the Mystic's Questline: 'Last of the Woodwen'
Échos d'éternité
Echoes of Eternity
Passé rémanent
Remnant of the Past
Complete the Curator's Questline: 'A Fragmentary Passage'
Soldat du feu
Defeat the Talon of Pyre
Pas d'honneur chez les voleurs
No Honor Among Thieves
Complete Old Kite's Questline: 'Honor Among Thieves'
Héros pointé
Hero for All
Complete 30 Jobs
Challenge Seeker
Complete Difficulty Sphere 04 of a Lost Zone or Hunt
Alchimiste amateur
Alchemical Enthusiast
Craft 99 Flasks
La vérité est ailleurs
Seeker of Truth
Complete the Mass Deception Event Without Triggering any Deceivers
Maîtrise des éléments
Master of the Elements
Complete 50 Mutated runs of a Lost Zone
Tester ses limites
Testing your Limits
Spend an Affinity Point
Discipline martiale
Martial Discipline
Unlock a Weapon Mastery
Seigneur des arcanes
Arcane Lord
Reach Level 30 with an Arcanist
Échos de puissance
Echoes of Power
Perform Echo Fusion 1 time
Touched by Greed
Aquire 100k Gold
Maître de guerre
Master of War
Reach Level 30 with a Warmaster
Arme vivante
Living Weapon
Affinity Boost a Weapon 1 time
Tous pour un
All For One
Perform Echo Fusion 100 times