
Oct 10, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Dans ta face!
In your face!
Win your first game
Premiers pas
Getting started
Collect 200 cards
C’est arrivé si vite…
It happened so fast…
Que quelqu'un l’arrête!
Someone stop that man!
Une pincée d'extravagance
A pinch of stravaganzza
Create a Wild Card deck from scratch
Je suis toujours en colère
I'm always angry
Take down 7 players using the Smash Wild Card in the same Down
Roi de la riposte
King of retaliation
Modeste collection
Humble collection
Collect 500 cards
Suivre les règles
Playing by the rules
Create a Playbook from scratch
Obtenez-les toutes!
Gotta get 'em all!
Collect 1000 cards
Maître du suspense
Master of suspense
Tackle the Ball Carrier when he is 5 yards or less from the Goal Line using your last defender
Vous ne faites pas semblant
Damn, you are hardcore!
Recover an Onside Kick
Biceps en acier
Cannon Biceps
Des amis venus de l'espace
Friends from outer space
Viser le Nobel
Aiming for the Nobel
Vers les étoiles
Paladin du Tour
Tour Paladin
Complete your first Tour Tree
Le choc des titans
Clash of titans
Autant en emporte le vent
Gone with the Wind
 Remontée surprenante
Well, that’s a come back
Win a game you were losing with a difference of 14 points
Parle à ma main
Talk to the hand
Perform 30 Stiff Arms
Breaking Through
Win the Blocking minigames 30 times
Comme une sucette
Like a popsicle
Use Fresh Breath to freeze 10 players in the same Down
Mon chouchou
The apple of my eye
Increase a player's overall to the maximum
Du sang et des larmes
Blood and tears
Win a Season Final
C'est pour moi? <3
Is that for me? <3
Perform 30 perfect Handoffs
Attrape-moi si tu peux!
Can't touch this
Perform 50 successful Jukes
Je suis un peu pressé
I'm a bit on a rush
Perform 30 Sacks
Grandes ambitions
High Ambitions
Win 50 games
Perform 15 Touchdown Dives
Mon équipe est plus forte que la tienne
My squad is better than yours
Increase your team's overall to 90 or more
Le sentier de la gloire
The path of Glory
Win 5 Season Finals
Tu fais du bon boulot
You are doing amazing, sweetie
Perform 15 successful Jukes as a Passer
Champion de la claque
Slap Champion
Perform 50 Swats
La défaite n'est pas envisageable
Defeat was never an option
Win 100 games
Permettez-moi de me servir
Sweet ball of mine
Perform 30 Interceptions
Pieds en or
Golden Feet
Score a Field Goal being 50 yards away from the Goal Line