
May 25, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Il suffit de descendre
It's All Down From Here
Enter the maze for the first time
L'Acte de Création
The Act of Creation
Create a character in the Training Grounds
Bon retour parmi nous
Welcome Back
Raise a character from the dead
Novice de l’aventure
Novice Adventurer
Reach level 5 with a character
Kill 100 enemies with a single character
Un bien long sommeil
Sleep for a Year
Stay 52 times at The Adventurers' Inn
Résident permanent
Permanent Resident
KO technique
Put a whole group of enemies to sleep
Expert de l’aventure
Experienced Adventurer
Reach level 10 with a character
Soigne-toi toi-même
Heal Thyself
Recover 500HP by casting spells
Développement personnel
Personal Growth
Change the class of a Level 5+ character in the Training Grounds
Admirateur secret
Secret Admirer
Open 100 secret doors
Anneau et baguette
Rod & Ring
All Access
Collect all key items in the Maze
Soutien indéfectible
Cast party / character buff spells 25 times
Le palais d’été de Boltac
Boltac's Summer Home
Spend 50,000 GP at Boltac’s Trading Post
C’était moins une
Disarm all trap types
Maître de l’aventure
Master Adventurer
Reach level 15 with a character
Vade retro !
Dispel 50 enemies
Question d’attributs
Stats All, Folks
Increase all stats of a character to 18
Garde d’honneur du suzerain
The Overlord's Honor Guard
Defeat Werdna and recover the Amulet
Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir
Better Know a Monster
Fully inspect 20 enemies
On ne badine pas avec la dîme
Tithe is Money
Donate 40,000 GP amount of gold to Cant
Treize à la douzaine
Baker's Dozen
Recruit 13 Characters
Pas aujourd’hui
To Fight Another Day
Run from 10 fights
Gros réseau
Meet and Beat
Encounter all enemies
Quelle classe !
Class Act
Create or recruit a character of every class
Attrapez-les tous
Gotta Catch 'Em All
Fully inspect all enemies