
déc 22, 2022

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
The Draugr Is Dead(er)
The Draugr Is Dead(er)
Kill the farm's invader.
Made My Mark
Made My Mark
Choose a boundary marker for your farm.
The Sheep Carrier
The Sheep Carrier
Entice a berserker to join your household.
His Day in Court
His Day in Court
Save a child from outlawry.
Of Course It Was You
Of Course It Was You
It was almost inevitable.
Still Alive
Still Alive
Finish the game without dying.
The City
The City
Offer a home to a probably unsustainable number of Icelanders.
She's Alive!
She's Alive!
Everyone survived the encounter with the trespasser.
A Land Less Chaotic
A Land Less Chaotic
Iceland is a land of quarrels—but it would be so much worse were it not for your good example.
A Stately Birch
A Stately Birch
Make a great success of your farm.
Go North
Go North
Visit a neighbor to the North.
Calm Down, Calm Down
Calm Down, Calm Down
Ally with the spirits to calm the local assembly.
A Promise Kept II
A Promise Kept II
Keep your Yule oath.
The Seer
The Seer
No one can match you in magic or your understanding of Iceland's spirits.
A Woodcutter's Tale
A Woodcutter's Tale
Discover more about your farm's manager.
Success in Business
Success in Business
At every turn, your farm grows more prosperous.
Historically accurate? Who knows
Historically accurate? Who knows
Get a tattoo.
Master Politician
Master Politician
Win every vote over Iceland's constitution.
The Ideal Icelander
The Ideal Icelander
Learned, hospitable, and community-minded, you are the Icelandic ideal.
The Promised Land II
The Promised Land II
Make it to Valhalla.
Choose Your Animal
Choose Your Animal
Let your soul blossom into its natural form.
Picking a Winner
Picking a Winner
A god like Thor has to be on the side of right. Right?
True Love I
True Love I
From friends to lovers.
Not Murder!
Not Murder!
Stop a feud from ending in anyone's death.
Is That What Happened?
Is That What Happened?
Discover the most likely cause of Halldor's wounds.
A Strange Pet
A Strange Pet
Help a rarely spotted animal to feel at home.
Helpful Crag-Elves
Helpful Crag-Elves
Can a pile of rocks come to your aid?
No Flies for Me, Thanks
No Flies for Me, Thanks
Resist the pull of a new religious movement.
Long Live the Chieftain
Long Live the Chieftain
The Chieftain is dead. Long live the Chieftain.
Profane Sacrifice I
Profane Sacrifice I
Make a donation to an unconventional new religious movement.
As Subtle As
As Subtle As
Blunder through your first conversation with Halldor.
Don't Kill Him!
Don't Kill Him!
Spare the farm's invader.
No Chieftain More Popular
No Chieftain More Popular
Recruit an unusually large following of allies for the assembly.
Not Just an Oath
Not Just an Oath
Commit to Norway and seal the deal with a gift.
Know Your Onions I
Know Your Onions I
Learn from the keepers of knowledge.
The Promised Land I
The Promised Land I
Make it to the Christian heaven.
The Classics Are the Best
The Classics Are the Best
Triumph over a guileful tester of knowledge.
There Goes the Neighborhood
There Goes the Neighborhood
Put a draugr's head to an unusual use.
Allying with a Snake
Allying with a Snake
Befriend Snorri.
For the Greater Good!
For the Greater Good!
Make a selfless sacrifice for aid.
North and South
North and South
Explore Snæfellsnes with both your advisors.
Patience Pays Off
Patience Pays Off
Keeping a ship around can pay off.
Budding Love
Budding Love
Is there a spark of romance? I think there is…
Not Making Friends
Not Making Friends
It's everyone's fault but yours.
From a Stick, a Splinter
From a Stick, a Splinter
Refuse the call of any afterlife.
Priesting Better Than the Priest
Priesting Better Than the Priest
Impress a priest with a blessing for the farm.
The Promised Land III?
The Promised Land III?
Find a third home for the dead.
Keeping Them Closer
Keeping Them Closer
Get your father to stick around.
Smith of Legend
Smith of Legend
Like any famous crafter, you're as bad with people as you're good with your hammer.
Evil Begone
Evil Begone
Banish whatever is assaulting your cult house yourself.
A Trade Like No Other
A Trade Like No Other
Take ownership of a dangerous but unique object.
The Viking Stereotype
The Viking Stereotype
Achieve fame as a mighty and agile troublemaker.
For the Greater Good?
For the Greater Good?
Make a selfish sacrifice for aid.
Not Even An Empty Oath
Not Even An Empty Oath
Refuse to pay even lip service to Norway.
King of Iceland
King of Iceland
You are greater than any chieftain.
Know Your Onions II
Know Your Onions II
Send an unthreatening object to a political rival.
A Lasting Monument
A Lasting Monument
Craft a fitting memorial to two boys you have wronged.
True Love III
True Love III
Who cares what society thinks a respectable match is?
Who's That God?
Who's That God?
Discover more about your farm's berserker.
A Guardian Angel
A Guardian Angel
Is he even a draugr any more?
Profane Sacrifice II
Profane Sacrifice II
You're really dedicated to that new religious movement, aren't you?
True Love II
True Love II
More star-crossed than Romeo and Juliet.
Puny Gods
Puny Gods
Outwit a god, outwit a pile of rocks.
Does a Draugr Feel the Cold?
Does a Draugr Feel the Cold?
Build a sturdy home for the dweller on your mound.
Hardly Plausible
Hardly Plausible
Manage to keep promises to two rivals at the assembly.
A Great Sacrifice
A Great Sacrifice
Accomplish something truly selfless.
Who Needs Gods?
Who Needs Gods?
You neither look for nor take the help of any god (current or aspiring).
Oh, the Humanity
Oh, the Humanity
Manage to get through to your father.
Why Are You So Mean?
Why Are You So Mean?
Be unnecessarily mean to a traveling companion.
Ahead of Your Time
Ahead of Your Time
Instill something like equality in Icelandic society.
Tourism Isn't Just for the Living
Tourism Isn't Just for the Living
Find all three afterlives.
The Let-Down
The Let-Down
Get a child to trust you and then fail him.
From Beyond the Grave
From Beyond the Grave
Just because he's dead doesn't mean he can't help out.
Cut-Throat Developer
Cut-Throat Developer
Kill a neighbor and take their farm.
There's An Easier Way You Know
There's An Easier Way You Know
Kill a rival even when someone else is doing it for you.
Doomed Romance
Doomed Romance
Lose a lover on the same night you are betrothed.
Worse than Smaug
Worse than Smaug
Hoard a mythic amount of wealth and refuse to spend any of it.
Both of You?
Both of You?
Two on one farm?
A Promise Kept I
A Promise Kept I
Keep a promise to Halldor.
But How Could You?
But How Could You?
This didn't have to happen like this.
True Love (Not Really)
True Love (Not Really)
Grim isn't looking for love. Who knows what he'll find instead?
The Loner
The Loner
Maintain a barebones crew on the farm.
And They Were So Young Too
And They Were So Young Too
Die before Chapter Ten.
Just Give Up
Just Give Up
Convince your rival to surrender.
Is It Honor?
Is It Honor?
You'll not trade in votes, not even to save a child.
Chieftain Anarchy
Chieftain Anarchy
Society is back where it started, just as you wanted.
Everything Is Useful
Everything Is Useful
Having a few scars doesn't hurt.
A Thorn in Thor's Side
A Thorn in Thor's Side
Annoy Thor whenever possible.
Disappoint a potential lover.
That Didn't Go So Well
That Didn't Go So Well
More a massacre than a battle really, wasn't it?
Flirt of the Year
Flirt of the Year
Flirt with everyone, whenever you can, well or badly.
A Bad Role Model
A Bad Role Model
End your days as a wanderer.
Total Invasion
Total Invasion
Thanks to you, Norway has conquered Iceland hundreds of years too early.