
Juil 09, 2022

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Nombre de trophée bronze 1
Nombre de trophée argent 4
Nombre de trophée or 2
Senpai! Now's.
Senpai! Now's.
The game has been started.
If this is 'fate', then so be it.
If this is 'fate', then so be it.
Respond according to the mood.
I will take a bite then.
I will take a bite then.
Bite into her ice cream.
I will feed you now.
I will feed you now.
Feed her with my mouth.
Make adaptations to the costume.
I can support you.
I can support you.
Encourage her genuinely, in my own words.
See you again when the flow of time reunites us.
See you again when the flow of time reunites us.
See true end.