
nov 02, 2022

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Nombre de trophée bronze 1
Nombre de trophée argent 1
Nombre de trophée or 11
Nombre de trophée platine 1
The mighty trophy!
The mighty trophy!
Unlock all trophies to collect this.
A new adventure
A new adventure
Start a new game
This game is easy
This game is easy
Finish a level
Minimum Input
Minimum Input
Finish a level with the best combination
One String
One String
Finish a level using just one string
Gold Chip
Gold Chip
Finish a level gaining Minimum Input and One String
What’s happening?
What’s happening?
Plot intensifies
Level selection
Level selection
Everyone goes back to where they have been good
I got it
I got it
Discover new tips
Unlock three skins
Unlock three skins
I’m glad you like this game!
Change skin
Change skin
Be yourself
A sad death
Lost in the unknown
Lost in the unknown
Watch your step
Too many Obstacles
Too many Obstacles
Discover new obstacles