
fév 26, 2025

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Clumsy Assassin
Clumsy Assassin
Accidentally kill a hostage
Save All The Hostages (Bank)
Save All The Hostages (Bank)
Rescue all hostages in the Bank stages
Defeat Kabuki at the bank [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Save All The Hostages (Harbor)
Save All The Hostages (Harbor)
Rescue all hostages in the harbor stages.
Save All The Hostages (Airport)
Save All The Hostages (Airport)
Rescue all hostages in the airport stages.
Shadow Master
Shadow Master
Defeat the Shadow Master in the airplane [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Defeat Hannya at the harbor [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Save All The Hostages (Cave)
Save All The Hostages (Cave)
Rescue all hostages in the caves.
Defeat Tengu in the caves [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Final Countdown
Final Countdown
Destroy the computer at the top of the base [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Shadow Master Returns
Shadow Master Returns
Defeat Shadow Master at the base [Normal difficulty or Higher]
Kabuki (Hard Mode)
Kabuki (Hard Mode)
Defeat Kabuki at the bank [Hard difficulty]
Shadow Master (Hard Mode)
Shadow Master (Hard Mode)
Defeat the Shadow Master in the airplane [Hard difficulty]
Hannya (Hard Mode)
Hannya (Hard Mode)
Defeat Hannya at the harbor [Hard difficulty]
Tengu (Hard Mode)
Tengu (Hard Mode)
Defeat Tengu in the caves [Hard difficulty]
Finally Final Countdown
Finally Final Countdown
Destroy the computer at the top of the base [Hard difficulty]
Shadow Master Returns (Hard Mode)
Shadow Master Returns (Hard Mode)
Defeat Shadow Master at the base [Hard difficulty]