
oct 22, 2020

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Nombre de trophée bronze 1
Nombre de trophée argent 3
Nombre de trophée or 2
The strongest autonomous sushi robot.
The strongest autonomous sushi robot.
Proof of hiring Kairobot.
Sushi goes around everywhere.
Sushi goes around everywhere.
Proof of running a sushi restaurant for many years.
The sushi restaurant that I want to go to at least once.
The sushi restaurant that I want to go to at least once.
Proof of Fives stars in the national sushi rankings.
World wide sushi.
World wide sushi.
Proof of winning the international contest.
Welcome! We have all the good ingredients.
Welcome! We have all the good ingredients.
Proof of finding more than 30 types of ingredients.
Here for you!  The first piece of the beginning.
Here for you! The first piece of the beginning.
Proof of creating new sushi for the first time.