Local Concerns List

Oct 25, 2023
par Skyangie
Find all the side quests in The Return of Detective Pikachu, and we'll give you the details on how to unlock them and how to complete them all.
Local Concerns List
The Missing Jewel
- Find the lost Lillupup
- Quiz Professor
The Fabled Aurora
- Deliver the Leaf clothing to Swadloon
- Quiz Professor
- Fossil Collector
- Find the Missing Ursaring
- Find the missing Cleffa
Detainee Pikachu
- Retrieve the wedding ring
- Quiz Professor
- Find the Gossifleur
- Retrieve the ball for the children
- Find Berries
- Find the Truth Behind the Mysterious Voice
Memories of the Bamboo Forest
- Find the Bellossom
- Find a Sweet Berry for Skwovet
- Bring Curry for Gumshoos
- Find Meowth's Brooch
- Stop the fight
- Find the lost Dreepy
- Find the elusive Pokémon
- Find the Pokémon that beautifullu cut bamboo
- Repairing Mimik
- Bringing food to the Yamper
- Quiz Professor
A Plan That Transcends Time
- Comming soon...
- Comming soon...
- Comming soon...